"An Extra Night of Gaming." That's what the event was called on our local Hobbytown FB page. It was this past Monday, and somehow the stars aligned themselves in such a way that I was able to participate.
Attempting to employ terror tactics. |
There were a few games being played when I arrived, but not long afterwards the Kill Team game ended and Josh agreed to play a game with me. We chose the Terror Tactics mission and selected our teams. Since they worked well
last time I chose to run the exact same Kill Team of Dru...I mean Dark Eldar. Josh selected a team of Primaris Marines.
Dark Eldar Deployment. |
Marine Deployment. |
I managed to get the Initiative every round of this game! Really, it was the only time that my dice wanted to roll well, as the rest of this match felt like I was in contention with my dice as much as I was my opponent! It started off well with a segment of my force moving towards the board edge while still peppering the Space Marines with as many poisoned needles as possible. I missed a lot, or failed to wound, or the Marine made a save, or I didn't take him out of action when I did manage to hurt him. This made this match more challenging for me, that is for sure!
Dark Eldar advance on Turn 1. |
The first few rounds seemed to go fairly even handed, I kill a guy he kills a guy, etc. We both our Leaders early on also. But by the 3rd Turn Josh was able to let the Primaris sink their teeth into my Kill Team and start tearing. My Wyches, who stole the show in their last match, were shockingly ineffective against the Primaris Marines in this game. The Comms Specialist and his synergistic benefits were amazing in this game, and this being my first time seeing it in action, I was impressed greatly by his performance.
The floundered charge. |
I had gotten about three models off this board via his deployment zone however the other victory condition was that if one of the teams broke, than the other team could win. Josh focused on achieving this victory condition. When his Reiver slaughtered my Kabalite Warrior Gunner (with the blaster) in an assault, I was left and the last Warrior was brought down by shooting, I had only the other Kabalite Warrior Gunner (with the Splinter Cannon) left on the board. He was in rough shape, and it was no surprise when he failed that test.
Don't fear the Reiver. |
If this match taught me anything it was that mastery of the CP system is key to Kill Team. I was poorly suited for this in this match as I am still unfamiliar with my options, while Josh used his with strategic cunning and was able to undermine my most clever strategies. My best use of the Stratagems did get my Wyche Fighter out of a bad situation and able her to escape, but that was more out of desperation on my part than any sort of strategy!
"This sector is secured!" |
Thanks for a good game Josh, we'll meet again! Really, if the game had ended on Turn 5 instead of my dice willing the game to continue for another round, I would have won! But that extra round was all the Space Marines needed to rally and take the day! I had fun, in spite of my frustration with my die rolls and with the mechanics of the game in general. After decades of the 'I go U go' system, this version of 'I move, now you move', although refreshing, is hard for this old beard to adapt too. I guess I just need to play more, right?
Some of the other games that took place that night were awesome to observe. Josh, fresh from his win against me, took on a Death Guard army. It was a good example of how undeveloped an
all Primaris army currently is as far as support options go. Take a look at all those heavy support and vehicles on the Death Guard side vs. the Space Marine side and you can see what I mean. I left before it ended, and forgot to take a 2nd pic, but it was a brutal clash with Josh's marines hitting with everything they had!
Primaris vs. Deathguard. |
The other big game was between The Bob and Matt. Matt used his Genestealer Cult with Imperial Guard Allies and Bob brought his Ulthwe Craftworlds Eldar. It was a brutal match with devastating death tolls on both sides.
Cult corrupted Guard vs. Ulthwe Eldar. |
It boiled down to the final fight for the objective. I think the Eldar won, but it was crazy close (so I could be wrong?)! It was a fun game to watch. So I asked Bob who won and this is what he said:
"Matt did on objectives.
8-4 I think,
I had more models left but he had the only unit left that could score.
Fun game."
The final fight! |
Indeed, fun games all around, and I was glad I could participate!