
Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Blood Axe Boys (Part 4)

 It's been too long since I last paid attention to these guys, and even longer since I started them! With the release of the 2021 Ork Codex I have been itching to get back to my Orks, and these guys in particular.  I absolutely love the original Orks. Yeah, they are smaller and more crude, but the character and detail have yet to be matched. Being how immersed I've been with the other projects I have going on, I decided to paint these guys just a few at a time. To kick it off I decided to focus on just the one miniature we call Da Mad Thunka (or Bolta 5, #07051039 according to the 1991 Citadel Catalog).

I followed the exact steps that I used on the Blood Axe Mekaniak I painted back in March 2021. The weird grot face belt buckle thing...I was stumped with that. So I just painted using Gretchin Green Foundation Paint with Death Guard highlight.

...weird grot face belt buckle thing.

I love the details on these old Ork miniatures, they look like scavenging militants, with each model appearing unique. Check out the kit on this chap:

Rear view.

These guys are primarily wearing olive drab and I think it works great.

Front view.

 That's one done, nine to go with this squad. I will keep poking at these guys sporadically as I feel each one deserves a good amount of attention to pull off properly. 

Da whole mob.

I have decided to call these guys Squad Drab due to their overbearing preference for Olive Drab uniforms and equipment. Other units might be dubbed Squad Khaki, Squad Camo, etc. 

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Herald of Slaanesh (Part 1)

Now this is a classic miniature!

OK, yes, actually they both are.

This pic was taken back in 2017. Since then the one on the left has  been painted.  I bought both of these miniatures at the same time to be used as either a Seductress or a Herald. I wasn't sure which would suit either role best at the time, so I just got both. Ultimately, the Epic-scale Keeper of Secrets, now named Mini-Moo, became the Seductress for my metal Daemonettes. This awesome Slaanesh Champion of Chaos is now to become a Herald.

From the original Champions Of Chaos WD ad.

And it's name shall be Sourkiss. Those brave souls who explore this blog might have seen the placeholder for this character on the Rogues page... I have been stewing on this idea for a few years now.

I haven't done anything with any of my Chaos Daemons in a long time, but Da Masta Cheef challenged me to another 750 point game and despite my desire to continue to learn how to use Space Marines in this edition, I wanted to try something radical. An army of Slaaneshi daemons seemed to fit the bill. But I wanted to add some color to my unique Herald. 

Barely battle-ready.

I used Black Templar Contrast Paint on the swords and armor, Warpfiend on the flesh with a wash of Druchii Violet to get the skin tones started and a brown for the scroll. 

A lot more battle-ready! 

Next I basecoated the leather bits in Abaddon Black and the sword using an old Citadel color called Polished Blue. 

The base will be done up before I go much further with the painting. I am getting this model battle-ready but don't want grit flaking off into my miniatures case. 

But that's as far as I can get for now (out of time), you'll likely have seen Sourkiss in it's first battle report before you see this post. I hope to finish this model soon as I would like to see it included in 2021's Year End Review.  

Monday, November 22, 2021

Termagant with Strangleweb (Art Monday)

 Welcome back to Art Monday where I show off some of the 40k themed art that I produced in the '90s. Unlike most of the art I have been showing off here, this piece was actually published. It appeared in Inquistior Magazine #14. 

This was a more straightforward interpretation of the miniatures from the time, whereas the other termagant that I drew around this time was more of a fusion between the 1st and 2nd edition concepts. Perhaps it was the  burning Ultramarine that sold this piece? 😃 

And for those of you curious onlookers who wonder about my process for spot illustrations such as this, here is the single 11" x 17" image area that these were all drawn on. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

War of Attrition

 After the success of last week's game, the stars aligned to again allow Da Masta Cheef and I to play another game at the 750 point level. Only this time I wanted to play something totally different as the marines just didn't satisfy me enough to run that same list again. After scouring my lists and miniatures for options I decided to run with a Chaos Daemons of Slaanesh army.  I hadn't played them in ages and thought that they would make for an interesting challenge against the Primaris guns. 

Siph vs. She Who Milks.

I chose three units of Daemonettes, two of these units have a banner and a musician simply due to my older models not having those options. My Fiends of Slaanesh are in a 5 critter squad. Yes they are unpainted while I try to figure out if I need to make their bases bigger or not. My Herald of Slaanesh is the old half-snake bodied Chaos Champion model whom I have named Sourkiss. And finally my original Keeper Of Secrets, She Who Milks, as... a Keeper Of Secrets. I had intended to run her as a Daemon Prince but I needed to fill the points so I figured what the heck, let's try her out. With the only "shooting" coming from the two psykers, I expected to be gunned down with ease.

The Slaaneshi Daemons gather.

The Ultramarines gathered and they are as follows: Two Primaris Lieutenants (the painted one is the Warlord), a Primaris Ancient, Assault Intercessors (5 man unit), Intercessor Squad (10 man unit), and 5 Hellblasters. The Ancient and one of the Lieutenants hadn't even been in Cheef's possession for a full 24 hours yet, fresh from their previous owner. 

Ultramarines (just pretend they're all blue).

We selected a mission from the Open War deck and ended up with War Of Attrition for the mission, the quarted deployment zone, and Champion for the Twist. I made the Herald my Champion and his Lieutenant was the Ultramarines Champion.

Open War!

For some reason we decided to play on a smaller board than last week. This would have a crucial impact on how this game turned out and I will discuss it more at the bottom of this report 


Turn 1.

Cheef won the roll off and chose to go first. He immediately declared the Fiends as his Priority Target, which I think was probably wise.

It's a Ruse!

The Hellblasters unleashed hot death on the closest Daemonette unit, leaving nothing left but a steaming pink mist. I was honestly worried that the Daemonettes would be gunned down faster than WW1 soldiers leaving a trench. The Keeper of Secrets took a few wounds as well, but was still at maximum strength.

Bullets and blasts strike the daemon horde.

And the Slaaneshi horde surged forward and fast. The Fiends are incredibly quick as is the Keeper. The Keeper put the psychic power Delightful Agonies on the Fiends to give them a bit more resilience.  They smashed into the Assault Intercessors, slaughtering them. 

Fast and furious.

Both Primaris Lieutenants joined in the melee as well and despite dishing out some wounds neither survived. 

On Cheef's Turn 2 the Hellblasters all but vaporized another unit of Daemonettes leaving only the Aluress.

Turn 2 overview.

Slaanesh Turn 2, the Keeper Of Secrets and the lone Alluress charge the Hellblasters. The Fiends, who were again blessed with Delightful Agonies, charged the troops on top of the bunker. Although the Keeper did Perils 3 Wounds off of itself while casting Smite on the Hellblasters prior to the charge! The Hellblasters successful took some wounds off of the Keeper via Overwatch attacks, but even on it's second stat tier the thing was an absolute beast in close combat. When it was over, there were no Hellblasters left. 

The tide turns.

The Fiends became locked in melee with the Intercessors on top of the bunker, who held firm compared to their peers. They were joined by the other battle squad who assaulted into the the Fiends also. 

Ganging up on the Fiends, the way they like it.

The Keeper Of Secrets stormed up the field in pursuit of the Primaris Ancient while the Fiends whittled away at the two Intercessors squads.

"Bring it!"

The Alluress joined the fray, killing off the last of one of the Intercessor squads.

The final cuts.

With the fall of the Intercessors, it was down to the Primaris Ancient to hold the line against the Keeper of Secrets.

Face off!

At one point he broke away, and got a few more licks in on the Keeper. The Keeper was down to just 4 Wounds left. It wasn't even about survival at this point, it was about defeating that damned Greater Daemon. 

The final gambit...

Tenaciously, the Ultramarines made it to Turn 5, with the Primaris Ancient standing alone against the comparative horde of sex starved daemons descending upon him. But a potent Smite from the Keeper of Secrets finally brought him down. And this is how it ended. Slaanesh definitely claimed this world, may the orgy comense!

Mind blowing final stand! 

Well, that didn't go the way I thought it would! The Daemons of Slaanesh were like a combine vs. a wheat field. Quite incredible to behold, but also too good. I need to add some more lower powered daemons, probably Steeds, to fill in the points and reduce She Who Milks down to a Daemon Prince. My two three most important (to me) take aways are:
  • Don't take Greater Daemons in a list below 1000 points. Or even 1250 points. They are just too dominant, and yes, a points sink, but a bit too much for an opponent with just 750 points to bear. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
  • Don't reduce the battlefield foot print. I get why GW decided to do this in this edition for smaller game sizes, but yeah, it speeds up the game, but the assault armies gain an unbalanced edge for it. The shooty armies will be able to shoot more on the bigger table, but I believe that they should be able to shoot more. 
  • Stick with Objectives. Focusing on holding and securing objectives is a core element of the game now. Yes, you can have your "let's just kill each other" games, but the meat grinder just isn't as challenging, or as fun, without those additional focal points that Objectives give to the game.

The army played like clock work and I found them easier to run than the Space Marines. Honestly, I think the 8th edition Codex armies to be easier to operate, the 9th edition ones seem to be too bogged down. Cheef and I definitely prefer the closer, more challenging, type games. This wasn't that. I don't play games to crush my opponents soul, or sour their joy of the hobby, but to have fun, so I regret that this went this way.  I'm not saying Cheef or I didn't have fun, but we would prefer the more balanced games. 

Monday, November 15, 2021

Slann Warrior (Art Monday)


This is an unpublished piece drawn back in 1995. I think I drew this originally as part of a submission pack for The Dark Library fanzine who were working on their version of a Slann codex. I missed out on that somehow but I still ended up with this fun piece anyway. 

Note that he's armed with a neuro disrupter, a weapon that was very much MIA in the Warhammer 40,000 game when I drew this. It has made a return in the mid-'00s with the relaunch of the Harlequins. 

This version of the Slann were awesome and full of potential, but for some mysterious reason the 40k line was already neigh impossible to find when I started playing on 1989. And I don't think they were in the Citadel Catalogs of the early '90's either, but someone knew were to look and found this list. 

I only ever managed to acquire a single one of these miniatures, and I suspect that even that one is a bootleg. It's a shame as I think these guys are very cool and might have made for a unique option in the 40k range. I did find a pack of the fantasy Slaan when I returned here to the states around '93. I used them in a 1st edition game and that single squad, generated from the Rogue Trader list (the only official one they ever had) generated quite a formidable warband. GW has been mining the old concepts over the past decade and producing models to help secure and maintain their IP, so who knows, maybe one day they may return?

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Primaris vs RTB01


Welcome back to another duel between myself and Da Masta Cheef. This time, in response to a comment I made somewhere that his Ultramarines ought to fight my Ultramarines. Cheef was more than willing to see that come to fruition. We decided since not only do we have the same army, but we even use the same company (3rd, the guys with the red trim) so it only makes sense that this "battle" is really a training exercise. Or is it? 

Check out Cheef's force. Leading it on this training exercise is a nefarious Inquisitor

748 points of Primaris. 

You might also notice that his force is also all Primaris Soace Marines! Lead by Primaris Lt. Siph Horridus (inspired by the guy who hooked us both up with that particular model, thanks again mate!), who is armed with a Master Crafted Bolt Rifle and an Astartes Chainsword. A squad of Hellblasters, a unit of Intercessors, a squad of Assault Intercessors and a smaller unit of Intercessors. 

744 points of old Marines. 

Whereas my force is comprised entirely of 1st edition models. Most of which were all painted during the years of first edition! That's two RTB01 Tactical Squads. Pretty much no frills there: bolters, bolt pistol. Frag & krak grenades, a missile launcher, a flamer and a Sergeant with a power glove power fist. That's an original Advanced Space Crusade scout squad (they have stealth bolters) and that Devestator Squad is from Space Crusade. And that Ultramarine Captain model tops it off. He was the most recent thing painted for this army and this is his first game showing off his new colors. 

And that was two small Patrols (approximately 750 points) ready to rumble in the snow. 

Open War random results.

We were joined by the illustrious Mr. Crosby (as an ex-teacher he kind of dislikes to be called that, but for he sake of online ambiguity I will default to that regardless) who assisted with the Shuffling and selection of our Open War cards as well as offered rules input during the game; as both Cheef and I haven't played the 9th ed Space Marines yet. He also provided the three Objective Markers for us. They are each an assortment of military assets. We placed old Artillery Dice on them to indicate which ones were 1, 2 and 3 for determining which would  e the 'active' objective each round. 

We were also assisted by Josh of Hobbytown U.S.A. of Johnson City, whose encyclopedic knowledge of the current 40k rules is pretty much second to none. 

Battle Squad takes the bunker.

During my deployment I chose to split one of the Tac Squads into two separate teams leaving the other squad at full strength. 

Ultra Neverness deployment.

Ultra Masta Cheef deployment.

I played my Ruse card as soon as possible to immediately take advantage of being Dug In to my deployment zone. It really did help a lot! 

A clever Ruse! 

Turn One and we both moved our forces towards the objectives. Some fire was traded back and forth but we each only managed to score a single casualty against each other and maybe inflicted a few non-lethal wounds here and there. 

Moving up to the goal.

I did make my first critical mistake of the game by not advancing my 10 man Tactical squad towards the objective closest to them. In the end, neither of us scored any points on Tunr One.

End of Turn One. 

On Turn Two Cheef's dice heated up and his Hellblasters were too. They vaporized half of the remaining Tactical Squad!  "This is a training exercise, right?" Asked one Devestator to another upon watching the boiling fleshy blue pool that was once Brother Marcus. 

Meanwhile my scouts were hounding the Primaris boys from their own deployment zone. Returning the attention one scout was eliminated.

Old but still effective.

The Devestators took stock of the situation and set their weapons to lethal mode, annihilating the Hellblasters! As a point of retaliation however Cheef played the Stratagem 'Avenge The Fallen' (a card I hope to play on a Dark Angel unit some day, just for the cheekiness of it!)

Marked for vengeance!

The Tactical Squad lost another marine in the Morale Phase of Cheef's turn 2. But the Sgt was determined to get to that objective! They advanced on to it and claimed in on my Turn 2.

"There's four of us, we can do this lads!"

On the otherside of the ruins I had the Scouts and both battle squads pour all their fire into the Squad that was on an objective. Unfortunately, for me Cheef was making his saves like a champ, and whittling away at those two-Wound Primaris Marines was proving to be an uphill battle indeed. After a failed charge attempt, that effort seemed even more futile.

The tally for Turn had Cheef with 2 points and Neverness with 1 point. 

Turn 3 was the deciding one. The Inquisitor moved onto the objective in the middle. The Primaris goons shot up and killed the Tactical Squad except for the Sergeant. But they charged and slaughtered him in the assault phase, but what a glorious way to go down! 

"I'll take you young punks!"

On the otherside, my Tactical squad stood firm to the onslaught of shooting and in fact killed a guy with Overwatch! It was a fairly balanced fight really with both sides standing firm for the most part. 

My turn came, and my Captain moved upon the the middle objective where he came across this sneaky Inquisitor skulking about the place. Despite a strong showing by the Captain weilding his Soldiers Blade, the Inquisitor survived this assault. 


My Devestators tried to blast the Primaris Intercessors off of their objective but the dice were against me on this it seems as they missed  a lot more than they hit! Same goes with the other side of the field, I tore that squad up but I could shake them off of that objective. At the end of turn 3 Cheef scored 3 more points and Neverness scored 0. This brought the Tally 5 to Cheef and 1 to Neverness.

By the end of Turn 3, looking at the points tally it was clear that I could not possibly recoup my points. I felt that I had to concede to the inevitable and accept defeat.

These two held firm! 

What was this guy's goal?

Laughing in the faces of the Devestators. 

Well, that was a fun one! One thing we learned was that we need to not only play more, but play Marines more. Trying to keep up with all the army rules, remembering Warlord Traits, (we both had Paragon of War), Doctrines, etc. made us wish we had a dry erase board available.  But we got by with the help from our friends. I am impressed with how well the old First Born have held up compared to the Primaris, and, had Cheef's rolls not be more amazing than not, I think it would have been a bit more even.  

However the one advantage that was apparent was the range difference between the Bolt Rifles and the traditional Bolter. It forced me to push some of the units I had held back for support to move closer, otherwise he could reach my units and I could not reach his. Duly noted for the future. I wish we could have played longer but it was still fun regardless. 

..and the Inquisitor slips away...