
Sunday, August 30, 2020

The 2020 Inquisitional Conclave

And the date has arrived and so have the Inquisitors of The Holy Order The Emperor's Inquistion. The three major Ordos*, Ordos Malleus, Hereticus and Xenos respectively, are all represented here today. Some have brought retinues, servants, serfs and servitors to accompany them and all seem to have brought a servo skull of some function or other which are all buzzing about. So let's tarry no longer and see (in no particular order) who are now taking to their seats...

Inquisitor Oblivianna and her retinue have mustered around at a spot closest to the buffet table. The Squat in her company is already suspected to have tinkered with the Food Servitors in an effort to accumulate larger food portions.

Guess who volunteered to work the grill?
The Inquisitors of the Ordo Bob are gathered in one section, they seem to be conducting a meeting of their own, no doubt discussing the machinations of their overlord, The Bob.

The Bob's Witch hunter.

The Bob's other Witch Hunter,

The Bob's Daemon Hunter**
The fighting portion of The Bob's Retinue.

The Adminstrative functionaries of The Bob's Retinue. 

Inquisitor Jorus Ryloth of the Ordo Xenos was seen speaking with Inquisitor Greyfax in regards to the "alien menace" and discussing some of his favorite methods for their disposal. (You can see more regarding him at 1st Legion Chronicles.

Speaking of Inquisitor Greyfax, Siph over at Weemen wrote to me:

"I hadn’t planned on doing an Inquisitor, but you made me do it. Meet Inquisitor Greyfax, with a slimmed down Condemner Boltgun, a sensible helmet (Skitarii Vanguard Alpha) and a less steampunk backpack exhaust..."

"The best photo award goes too..."

Lumbering into the room, ancient servos growning with each thudding step, strides Inquisitor Lord Hiser the Hisarion of the Ordo Malleus. He is followed by a servitor pushing a trolly loaded with dry rubbed spicy chicken legs (according to the Munitorum packaging). Upon sitting at the massive table the others all begin to take their seats as well knowing that business is finally about to be conducted...

Ordo Malleus Lord Inquisitor Hiser the Hisarion.

 And as I was finishing off this post  Waaarghpug slid in a literal photo finish with his Ordo Xenos Lord Inquisitor Kyria Draxus. And yes, I too think I like her better with hair.

Never intending to be late to the Conclave, it's always an impressive scene to arrive when everyone has already gathered***.

Minoxidil; it works! 
Also, honorable mention for Zzzzzz who was trying to get his model done on time, but just couldn't make it happen (again, check out *** below) so he sent me a link to a compilation list  of Inquisitors he has painted in the past for us to check out.

*The minor Ordos make quite an impressive list. They are compiled, along with the history of the Inquistion, at this wiki

**I think any way, maybe he is just a generic Inquistior?

***Not quite fashionably late, but YOU have that chance to be just that. If you started a model but just couldn't make the deadline, that's OK, you have until September 1st to email me your "fashionably late" entry! 

Friday, August 28, 2020

Ordo Malleus Terminator (Part 3)

Lord Inquisitor Hiser the Hisarion. 

After a grueling 12 days straight working approximately 90 hours, I was finally able to get back to this guy.

The psychic rod was based using an Ral Partha Bronze paint. After twenty years that paint is still one of my favorite paints to break out for under coating golds .

I used Agrax Earhshade wash all over the reds to tone it down before painting over that with Mephiston Red.

Go Fasta Red was the primary highlight color on the armor with the original Blood Angel Orange (yes, Blood Angels used to highligbted with orange 30 years ago) as the final highlight.

In a mad frenzy I jammed out the rest of this model to a level where I could declare him to be done!

I drew the 'I' on his cowel and the word 'ORDO' on his right shoulder using a Micron. The first attempt of the 'I' turned out crooked (above pic) so I fixed that. 

I notice the big horned skulls  have a leering expression that reminds me a bit of the early Eddie artwork featured on the '80's era Iron Maiden LPs. The GW design studio in the later years of the Ansel era  had a real metal vibe going on and it often crossed over into the miniatures. They even had a gun totting skeleton that was clearly inspired by a Megadeth album cover.

The right shoulder has clearly been left blank so that a badge, icon or art could be put there but I am stumped on what to do there. I like it as is so for now that's how it shall remain.

And he is done, and ready to join his fellows at this year's Conclave. I even came up with a name for this model, Hiser the Hisarion, a homage to an old friend from around that time. I don't have a snazzy back story at this time, but maybe one will evolve in time.

But before I conclude this, I wanted to share sn example of the size-creep that has occurred with the terminator miniatures over the past 30 years. The design hasn't changed much, but the scale has for sure!

"What I lack in height I make up in power!"

Remember, I need your final Inquisitor pics and links Sunday evening (my time, which is Eastern Standard Time) if you want them to be featured  in the final Conclave post next week. Send them to 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

2020 Inquisitional Conclave - One Week Left.

Greetings! As the title states there is about a
week left before the Inquisitors settle into their meeting chamber, seal the door and begin their conclave. Emperor know what they'll talk about when they do...

A brief recap: what's going on here is a painting challenge for August 2020 to simply paint an Inquisitor. Some folks are doing more than one and some are also including retinues. Over the past week or so some participants have sent me updates.

Da Masta Cheef finished his mini and stated the following: "Sorry for the delay, Oblivi’Anna is complete. Will try to work on her retinue this week. The helmet on her base is in the colors of the Red Corsairs."

It's interesting because Cheef has owned at least two Red Corsair forces since I have known him. Maybe three?

Oblivi’Anna, looking rad as Hell itself. 

Jorus Ryloth, Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos was sent in by Jon at 1stlegionchronicles.  I'm digging how this miniature has turned out.

Thebob sent me his update with the following text: "Not a lot of progress made yet unfortunately. I'm planning on doing more on her in the coming week. Have to decide some color choices still too".

For myself, well, I'm getting there!

So excited he can't keep himself together! 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Ordo Malleus Terminator (Part 2)

Work in progress.

Progress from part-1 has been slow, but there has been progress nevertheless!

First off, I got the model primed last week. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal but the overly wet season, here in the mountains, has made finding the optimal conditions for priming a bit challenging.

I found a very inspiring pic online of a WIP of a Blood Angel Executioner that I feel in love with, so I went with those colors. I posted that inspiring pic on the Neverness Hobbies Facebook Group but decided not to post it here as I don't know who to properly credit. Regardless of all that, red is the color I am running with.


The base coat for this red is Khorne Red. My thinking for the next stage is to wash the reds in a thinned Brown or Chestnut Ink, then reapply Khorne Red and build up the colors from there.

Dude, just ignore those guys in the background, they're jerks!

So, yeah, not much progress, but progress all the same!

Those of you participating in the challenge, please send me your updates when you can. Thanks again!

Sunday, August 09, 2020

2020 Inquistional Clonclave Week 2

We are well on our way into the 2nd week of the gathering of Inquisitors. Last week we saw a few mighty vessels translate into realspace, each baring a transponder code of a unique Inquisitorial Roseette declaring their master's arrival and confirming their seat at the 2020 Inquisitional Conclave. To see those Inquisitors I refer you to last week's post.

I only got a few updates this week, so here they are:

Jon at 1st Legion Chronicles sent me an update. So far I really like the colors here a d I look forward to seeing how this turns out.

Da Masta Cheef has been busy on his Inquisitor. I think we know who will be working the grill that evening...

The mightly Waaarghpug has thrown down the gauntlet and has declared that he will be doing a conversion of Lord Inquisitor
Kyra Draxus. It sounds like this could be a cool conversion in the end so I am looking forward to seeing the results.

Meanwhile, my guy has finally made it to the priming stage...

It looks like that's all the updates I got. If I missed any please make me aware by either commenting below, emailing me at or post on the Neverness Hobbies group on Facebook.

Tuesday, August 04, 2020

Ordo Malleus Terminator (Part 1)

For my "Paint An Inquisitor in August Challenge" (a.k.a. The 2020 Inquisitional Conclave) I decided to just go with my oldest Inquisitor. I wrote a bit about this chap back in July of 2020 along with my other Inquisitor models. It's been three decades and finally his wait is over.

The first thing to do was retire his old base and move up to 40mm one. The superglue bonding him together was about 25 years old now and brittle so it took hardly any effort to disassemble him.

After a few minutes I was able to hack a slot into a 40mm base. He not only fit fine, but already this old terminator model looks so much better on the bigger base. It's almost like maybe GW should have always had these bigger bases.

The bigger base.
I added a Plaguebarer skull to the base. After all he is a daemon hunter, perhaps he's on the prowl for more to incinerate?

Plaguebearer skull in the grit.
I used the old slotta tab from one of the old plague marines* in the background along with the piece I sliced out of the 40mm base when I made the slot, to make some rubble. Crude but effective. After those were glued down I added the grit using Elmer's glue thinned with water.

Rubble rubble.
That's it for now. It's been way too humid outside from all the storms and rain to even try to prime this model right now, so I will have to wait for the right opportunity. Until then, up he goes to some place secure, as this is a lead miniature and I can't have it where little hands might grab it...

* That's a post I have yet to finish writing, but soon enough...

Saturday, August 01, 2020

2020 Inquisitional Conclave Begins!

Let the gathering begin!

As I discussed in the last post, August will be the gathering of the 2020 Inquisitional Conclave. And so far we have a few Inquisitors who have declared to show up. 

First off, I decided to just do up the Ordo Malleus Terminator that I have had since '89. Just refer back to the previous post for a pic of that miniature since I have no updates at this time.

My old friend and nemesis Da Masta Cheef brings us Ordo Hereticus Oblivi'anna. You can find out more about this mini and follow this project over at Da Wayz Dezert Groop.

This entry is by Jon and it is the old Rogue Trader era Hooded Tabbard Marine miniature, and I agree with Jon, this will make a fantastic Inquisitor! He will definitely get a seat at the conclave. You can follow his progess on his blog at: 1stlegionchronicles.

The Bob finished and based the two models he let me show you last time:

"This is the one I will actually work on for the conclave:"

I look forward to seeing what Bob does to this one.

"And here are some various and assorted henchpeople:"

Awesome use of old minis.

I really dig these guys! 

Seems like a lighter kick-off than I had anticipated, but that's OK, just leaves more rosette shaped cookies for the rest of us!
However anyone can still join, just send me a pic and/or a link to

Next update in about a week!