
Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Chaos Bikers (Part 9)


Taking a break from painting my Deathwatch army, I decided to be a bit chaotic for a bit and finish off this guy who has been mocking me every day that I walked past the painting table. I had about 20 minutes to kill this morning and that was enough time to tinker on something light. I picked up this model and realized that there was very little left to do on it, so I knocked it out.  

Here's a work in progress shot of the console area. Tesseract Glow being my savior on getting the main screen the way I wanted it took. 

Main consol.

I finished the metallic filigree by washing it with red ink (that's the original '80's-'90's stuff for clarification), then lightly highlighting it with a modern color called Sycorax Bronze which I think turned out very well. 
Front faring details.

Then I added Mithereal Silver to high light the areas I thought would get chipped most often. Like the foot rests, handle grips, spikes and blades. Afterwards I mounted it to it's base.

I am sticking with the old skinny bases for my Chaos Bikers, mainly because having already down work on a number of them already I am not too keen on tearing them off their bases. Some of my other armies that utilize bikers, orks for example, I may move to the newer oval bases.

At this time I have decided to leave the rider unattached to bike as he fits so well and I like the option to be able to remove him.

Unlike the other optional champions I have made for  this unit, I have not been able to take him out yet for a glamor shot, but I intend to do so soon. 

Sunday, August 29, 2021

Inquisitional Conclave 2021 (Week 4)

And here we are almost at the end. Remember, the Conclave is taking place on the weekend of the 4th so you basically have thru the 3rd of September to get those Inquisitors painted and pics sent in to me at  This past week a few of us managed to get ours done, and here they are:

Da Masta Cheef finished Inquisitor MS-DO5,

I managed to finish Inquisitor Jaq Draco.,

And here's Zzzzzz with another wave of Inquisitors and Inquisitorial personnel  

The Conclave of Dintera Minor has sent a dozen inquisitors from the three major factions to Devos IV, headed up by an Ordo Hereticus Lady Inquisitrix, Josefina Hellmwyr (she is a scion of the ruling house of Necromunda, but as a member of the most holy ordos, has nothing to do with her former relatives).  A dozen Inquisitors in support of a reconquest of an imperial world is not usual, but that's more to with the availability of resources than a matter of protocol or policy. 

A dozen inquisitors and their warbands, 'loaded for ambul' represent a considerable amount of combat power, given the number of individuals, regardless of their writ and mandate.  One individual (Inquisitor Halles Blingnor) believes that he should lead the inquisitorial deposition.  He has a close relationship with the Black Templars, so despite not have his own entourage per se, the Strike Crusier Lostwithial has arrived and the Templars and Blingnor are now an independently roving faction.

Given the number of Inquisitors she trusts, she as petitioned the local (to Dinterra Minor) Temple and been allowed a certain number of resources.  These are organised as descrete packets of Assassins; two groups of three, two groups of two, one solo operative and two individual special assets from the inner temple. 

Hopefully I got those pics marched up better with the verbiage this time. 😀

The Conclave is almost upon us! We will assemble all of this years entries into a final gallery showing. With luck we'll get a few more Inquisitors to join us by then. I know I'm looking forward to it!

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Inquisitor Jaq Draco (Part 3)

 And here he is, the finished and completed Inquisitor Jaq Draco as inspired by the original covers of Inquisitor and Chaos Child novels by Ian Watson. For the most part, I think I pulled it off. Let's take a look at the final steps...

The finished Jaq.

The part I knew would be the biggest challenge was next, and that would to replicate the icon on that adorns both his back banner and shoulder pad. And no, I'm not giving this model a back banner in spite of the temptation. 

The icons from the original Inquisitor cover.*

First off, I used a micron on some scrap bristol paper to draw a simplified version of that figure. Happy with that, I drew it over and over, smaller and smaller, until I was satisfied that I could do it on the shoulder pad. 

Icon sketches next to the shoulder target area.

I drew it onto the shoulder pad, and then painted it in. It may not be as insanely detailed as some of the wicked pro stuff one can find on Twitter and elsewhere, but I think it works. 

Icon painted onto the shoulder.

Next I added Sunburst Yellow as the final armor highlight. I decided to paint the scabbard a blue color to contrast against the red armor and I feel like it does the trick. And I painted the leather wrap on the hilt using the same method I have been using on the assassins that I have been painting every year. 

Ready for his arms.

I got the idea to apply some of the handwritten liturgies from the Witch Hunters decal sheet from another example of this miniature that I saw on a Google search. I added some of this to his armored leg and on the left pauldron. I found a white skull decal,  also on the Witchhunters decal sheet, that I put on his knee pad. This conforms to the image on the cover of Chaos Child. Then I applied Citadel Ard Coat to all the red armor and metal areas, particularly over the decals and painted icon. 

Decals applied and Ard Coat added.

I didn't paint his eyes. I just didn't see the point. By not doing it I think it creates a more brooding and somber look to him. Otherwise I might have ended up in warface territory...

Left side view.

Unlike the Ordo Malleus Terminator from last year's Coclave I decided to leave the vents on the top of the armor the same color as the rest it. I just liked the look of it on this model.


Right side view.

I'm quite pleased with how this miniature turned out. I hope to get him into a game eventually. I haven't seen the current rules for these guys, can they even take Terminator Armor these days? It matters not ultimately, this guy is unmistakable as an Inquisitor and will attract many bullets, rays and psychic attacks regardless of his stats. And that's a wrap for my (primary) contribution to the 2021 Inquisitional Conclave

Monday, August 23, 2021

Inquisitor catches a cultist (Art Monday)

 This is another of the unpublished pieces I had sent to The Dark Library. It's an Inquisitor who has tracked down, outed and now caught, a Chaos Cultist. I imagine this in a hive city some where. 

I look at this now and I'm both impressed and critical of it at the same time. In hindsight it's probably a good thing no one ever printed this one. But I do like the vibe of it. And figured it would be a nice one for the final week of the Inquisitional Conclave 2021 painting challenge

Some of you may have noticed that I haven't done any Art Mondays for a few weeks. Mainly due to the recent policy GW rolled out. I wanted some time to chew through it an make sure I was compliant. I believe I am but I now need to include a disclaimer on these so here it goes.

This artwork is unofficial and not endorsed by Games-Workshop. Furthermore this blog and this post generates no revenue for it's owner and is strictly used for, and as, a free entertainment resource in support of games by, but again not official or endorsed, by Games-Workshop. 

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Inquisitional Coclave 2021 (week 3)

 Welcome back to the 2021 Inquisitional Conclave,  let's check on this week's progress: 

DAM finished his Inquisitor Eisenhorn and... wow, I LOVE it!  Here's Inquisitor Eisenhorn in all of his pre-rogue glory! Check the link for more pics! 

Eisenhorn, feeling a bit rogueish.

And he worked on a Cherubael miniature as well! Now Gregor has a playmate. 


Here's The Bob with an Inquisitor Greyfax with a headswap that he just started working on: 

The hooded Greyfax.

Da Masta Cheef started on a second Inquisitor, from the Ordo Mechanum it's Inquisitor MS-DO5. (Damn do I love that name!)

Inquisitor MS-DO5 (WIP).

He also made a Squat henchman called Captain Teague.  It's a sad tale indeed...

I made progress on my Inquisitor Draco. Actually I finished it a few hours after I posted the update but I am saving the finale for next week. 

Draco sans arms.

Meanwhile on Devos IV the Inquistion brings the ladies. Lots of them, and they mean business! Hopefully he'll answer our questions regarding how he came about acquiring these miniatures and how (maybe) we can too!  And those pics I couldn't see last week, well, he sent me a tsunami of them. For sake of brevity I am only included a fraction of the what he sent me.. Here's hoping I can match some of the pics to the words. 

Inquisitor Barlain Taochilai of the Ordos Helican - the same conclave that Eisenhorn and Ravenor belonged to, although that was a long time ago.  He is rarely seen without a recaf or Lho stick or both in his hands.  He is a Wyrd, rather than a full Inquisition trained psyker.  He is strongly clairvoyant, to the extent of being able to see past events play out overlaid over the present as a sort of watercolour quality image.  He has found over the years that this is extremely useful in deducing what has happened.

XF1 and H25S are former opponents, both hired muscle for heretical organisations, captured and sentenced.  They now do penance as combat servitors one with a chainsword and one with a heavy stubber.  Woe be to him who betrays the Emperor.

Aeirlain Rymastocker is an inquisition trained beta level psyker.  She is taciturn but has a very dry sense of humour which sometimes gets the better of her.  She like to put on an act as a witch; whenever she can she will adopt the witch costume of the culture Taochilai's team are working in and ham it up.  Perhaps some reflection of being a sanctioned psyker and not actually being considered as an interrogator. 

Marveh Neetow is what is generally view as a crusader.  Heavily protected by refractor field and body armour, he sports the skulls of the psykers he's slain with his Ekwesh semi sentient blade.  Inquisitor Taochilai invariably makes him responsible for Aerlain.  Which he has chosen to interpret as being her close protection until the point where she is possessed by the warp, at which his task is her final sanction.  He is altogether serious where she is having a laugh.  but they rub along well enough

Utar Gottleibb was a DKK soldier who worked with the Ordo Xenos on Radnar.  He proved himself useful and was inducted into inquisitorial service seven years ago with the rest of his platoon.  But way of the tasks assigned them since then, he is likely the only one left and now finds himself in Inquisitor Taochilai's service.  He has, in recent times, been trained both as a drop trooper and more lately as a Valkyrie pilot. 

Lashe Cardet is a Harakon born minor noble.  She was due to be married off to some awful cloud Namib when the Inquisition came for one of her intended's relatives.  In the fall out which followed, she managed to make off with a promising Interrogator named Barlain.  She is now resigned to the fact that one does not actually marry the inquisitor one works for.  There is no steady, settled married life for inquisitors.  But this is an exciting life doing important work.  She's loving it.

Watchmaster Nachtfalk was a member of an artillery unit here on Devos IV.  His discretion and potential were spotted by another inquisitor and he was requisitioned and inducted soon after.   Inquisitor Taochilai is finding it enormously beneficial having someone who can immediately access the 72 Army Group's command structure.   His armour has been glossed up, marked with the =I= and devotional aqilla applied to each side of his helmet. 

Hopefully I got that right, if not I'm sure Zzzzzz will let me know and I can move the pics around (or he'll throw the Brick Of Scrutiny through one of my windows.)

Ok, next week is the last weekend before the finale on September 4th (so technically there are two more weeks for us to take advantage of!) so let's see if anyone else wishes to join in the fray! 

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Inquisitor Jaq Draco (Part 2)

Image from Inquisitor, by Ian Watson*.

Continuing on from Part 1 , I primed the model after I flocked and added lots of skulls to the base.  Sadly I don't have any Genestealer Cult bits to attempt to make the cover of Inquisitor (see first image), but during his trilogy he was on a lot of battlefields anyway. And it's 40k, so...skulls.

Skulls and grit.

Next came the Contrast Paint. Specifically Blood Angels Red for the armor and Gulliman Flesh foe the skin. 

I love you Contrast Paint...

Armor highlights are Wazdakka Red followed by Fire Dragon Orange. 

Cadian flesh was applied over the Gulliman Flesh with a subtle highlight of an old Delta Ceramcoat color called Pink Frosting. And, well, it worked out good I think! And in case you're wondering, yeah, I decided that attempting the scorpion tattoo on the side of his face would be an exercise in folly. 

I will add a final highlight of Sunburst Yellow to the armor soon. So far I think I got the armor looking close to how the artist got it on  the cover illustration. One notable deviation will be the scabbard for his blade. On the cover it looks similar to the skull covered sheath on the original Terminator Captain miniature, but no such adornment exists here. I guess I can just do what I want with that item, but I got a bit more time to figure it out...

Not sure about that sheath...

Next, and this is going to be the big challenge of this project, I am going to attempt to paint the icon on the right side pauldron. I don't think it will be easy, but we'll see...

The arms await final embellishments.

*Image (c) Games-Workshop, used here without permission but used for the purpose of review and not as a challenge to the copyright holder

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Inquisitional Conclave 2021 (Week 2)

 With the completion of the second week of our August challenge, let's see what's new and what's updated: 

I'll start off by saying that I myself didn't get as far as I would like but I did make progress on Jaq. I wasn't able to hammer out a blog post but this is where he's at. 

Base coated Inquisitor Jaq Draco. 

On the Ordo Xenos side of things I did manage to finish a Deathwatch Librarian. You can read more about that here

"Shhhh, quiet in the Librarium."

Da Masta Cheef on the other hand managed to finish his Inquisitor Hubris McClellan

Celestial Lions or Lions of Harlech

Floyd Lawton over at 1st Legion Chronicles sent me an update on his Inquisitor. He hopes to have him done by month's end. 

Base coated by Floyd.

Zzzzzz sent me some pics on with some tasty write-ups for them but I have been unable to properly retrieve the photos. 
I can show you the thumbnails...

I will save the write ups until I can marry them to some pics. But there has still been some Inquisitorial activity on Devos IV that you really must go check out. 

DAM has decided to bring Inquisitor Eisenhorn to the Conclave this year. In his words: "I'm painting up the GW Gregor Eisenhorn model which otherwise would have likely continued to rot on the shelf waiting for my time.  SO thanks for running a community painting challenge for Inquisitors"

You're welcome DAM! Just try to keep Cherubael away from the chips and dip, the guy has no will power for that stuff. 

Eisenhorn! Click the link about to see his progress.

Ok, I think I got everyone's updates. Keep up the good work everyone! Remember you can send pics and links to: Also, if you don't have a project you want/can do this month, but you already have a painted Inquisitor who wasn't part of last year's Conclave, just in a pic and we can include him or her this year. Why not? -The more the merrier! 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Deathwatch: Kill Team Neverness (Part 3)

Deathwatch Epistolary.

 In spite of the strain on my free time these past few weeks I have managed to paint up another member of this Deathwatch Kill Team. I started this guy way back when the Deathwatch were featured in an early 4th edition Chapter Approved article in White Dwarf 306. Back then this guy was going to be the squad's leader but now he's an Independent Character again. Which, ultimately, makes a lot more sense to me.

Seems like forever since he saw any more paint.

I tightened up and darkened up some of the armored areas.  But the main thing I want to talk about here is the energy effect on the force sword. I base coated this using Game Color Livery Green. Honestly, I was tempted to leave it like this as it worked really well at this step.

Livery Green base coat on force sword.

But I wanted to stick with my plan so down of center of this effect I painted on Apple Barrel Colors Kiwi. Down the middle of that I added a line of Nurgling Green. This was turning out well but definitely a bright departure from the Livery Green. So I topped it off with a strategic application of Tesseract Glow. I defined the blade edge afterwards using Mithereal Silver. A thinned layer of Tesseract Glow over that gave the blade an interesting sheen.

Tesseract Glow on the force sword.

I had always intended this Librarian to be from the Ultramarines chapter. And now it's official. At least my crude attempt at freehand painting on the Ultramarines icon on the backplate of his backpack says so. 

Ultramarines icon.

Throughout the painting of this model I would find a detail I was unsure of and I would find the solution by referring to the picture of this miniature from the 2nd Ed Ultramarines Codex. The lack of a "random red thing" throughout my painting of this guy really makes him seem gritty and serious compared to the example found in that codex! 

Side view of the blade.

After some grass tufts, and a few lines of brown Micron added to his scroll work,  he was finished off with some protective dull coat. 


And I am happy to report he is finally finished and ready to join in with the rest of his Ordo Xenos brethren as they accompany Inquisitor Draco to this year's Inquisitional Conclave