
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Lieutenant Titus (Part 1)

Here is Lieutenant Titus, the (at this time) exclusive miniature from the Space Marine 2 Board Game . And what a majestic model he his. Ok, that might be overselling him, but he is cool.

Of course you can't be a hero without a Tactical Rock under one of your feet. And Titus here is launching himself forward ready to dice up his target. And shoot him in the face. Or both. 

When I first saw the model when Warhammer Community first premiered him I wasn't overly thrilled with him. It's a good model, don't get me wrong, but I wasn't awed by him. But holding him in hand after assembly I have to admit he cuts a mean jib. Check him out next to this standard Primaris guy. 

Hopefully I can get him painted soon, along with his gribble foes from the Space Marine 2 Board Game. I am torn between giving him red weapons or painted him as he appears in the board game's rule book. 

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Deathwatch Dreadnought (Part 3)

 With just a little bit of spare time to focus on this thing, I have finished my 2023 Dreadtober project! 

Finished, yay!

The stripe on his leg was done using Mephiston Red straight from the bottle. Two straight swipes and the effect was achieved. The green light is green simply for a bit of contrast. The base color is Caliban Green with a dash of Moot Green and final dot of white. 

Show me your right side.

Ultimately I decided to put the word BURN on his leg scroll. Seemed simple and direct, you know, like his multi-melta. 

Show me your left side! 

And here he is embracing the Emperor's Light of an October morning sun, with a devoted determination to continue the long vigil and bring the xenos scum, wherever they might lurk, to heel. With melting heat. 

"Shhh, I'm hunt'n xenos scum."

I got to give a shot out to the all of this year's Dreadtober participants for doing some stellar work. Truly inspiring stuff. 

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Deathwatch Dreadnought (Part 2)

 Since last week I got a bit more work done on this clunky relic of the past. 

Early basecoats.

Quite a bit actually. My Deathwatch scheme is simple, I use a dark grey topped with a lighter one on the edges with a little white on the corners for the final highlight. 

The mid-coats.

For the gold areas I used my old and trusty Ral Partha Copper Metallic. On the icons I applied a mid-coat of Retributor Gold. These two colors work well together which is amusing considering their age gap. The melta gun is going to go in a slightly different direction but it used that same base color.

Progress continues...

The last thing I managed to do (up to this point) is paint the scroll work on his leg and the purity seal on the main gun. I still haven't chosen what I will write on that leg scroll yet. 

He is mostly completed now, let's see if I can knock it out before month's end. 

Friday, October 06, 2023

Deathwatch Dreadnought (Part 1)

Is it Dreadtober time again? Indeed it is.  I decided this time around to finish up this Deathwatch Dreadnought. With GW discontinuing the model earlier this year I felt that this was the time to honor one of mine with a paint job. This is one of those classic "boxnoughts" that I think came in the 5th edition starter set (Blackreach). I acquired this in a lot along with a group of Space Marine Bikers and another, older, boxnought in metal. That one will require it's paint to be stripped off before I can do anything with it. But this one as you can see... ready to go. I believe it was intended for a Blood Angels army, thus the blood red shoulders. I gritted up the base, leaving the single skull, and proceeded to get this one going.

I painted over the red and basecoated the base and skull. Actually I painted the skull using Corax White with the intention of using Skeleton Horde Contrast Paint over it. I opted not  to add any other debris to the base as the notion of a single, lonely, skull on such a large base is kind of amusing, and oddly striking. 

Ok, that's it for week one, not much progress I know, but this was ment as a 'kick-off' post. Check out part two next week to see how far I get.

Sunday, October 01, 2023

The men/machines from Voss Prime


The Vox Prime welcoming committee. 

Recently Da Masta Cheef dumped a small Adeptus Mechanicus army on my lap (along with even more Orks which were dumped on him by Murl/Rob) which was a bit of surprise considering how many models there were. I'm thankful for these gifts even though I had no intention of starting up another Imperial faction. So while poking through them trying to figure out what was what, I decided to paint one just to see how I would like it. Sometime last year I found the 9th edition Adeptus Mechanicus Codex on sale in a 2nd hand store and picked it up for reference.  And the Forge World that stood out to me was the illustration for Voss Prime. The other color patterns were too red (after painting World Eaters I'm not keen on having another red army) or gray and drab (I have at least two armies that are gray also). And these guys have a sort of Howling Griffin vibe without being Howling Griffins.  I figured what the heck, let's give it a shot. 

I wanted to paint some of the long rifle models so I picked out a few "guys" that looked sort of interesting.  They had already had the painting process started by the Cheef, but just the metallic areas had been done so far. (Note: he gave me some of the ones he already painted as well, which you can see behind the foreground guys below). 

As prepared by Cheef. 

I selected a guy one night when I had a window of opportunity to do so,  and I jammed this model out. I used Khorne Red as a basecoat for the red side and Trollslayer Orange as the base for the yellow side. Being a Layer paint, it took three coats to get the coverage I needed for the Trollslayer Orange

Model 1, basecoated.

I used a subtle assortment of metallics on the armor and weapon, but much of the magic was done using Agrax Earthshade. Retributor Gold was only used on the filigree adornments that on the gun. 


I used the Vox Prime illustration from 9th ed Adeptus Mechanicus Codex for reference  and I colored this guy's lights and lenses to match that as best I could.  I put opposing lines on the robes hems as they were in that illustration but the idea of putting squared gear teeth on these lines just seemed way too daunting of a task for such a basic model, so I made them into crude triangles instead. This I thought produced the same vibe  without causing me undue stress and I think he turned out alright. 

Basically done.

But wait, there is another: I saw a video online somewhere recently that used an old technique that I knew about but never tried. This particular trick was to use pink as a base color with a yellow contrast paint over it. Curious, I went to one of my local game stores and got the yellow Contrast Paint (Imperial Fist, for you discerning connoisseurs) I needed. I used Pink Horror as a basecoat with a few highlights added by using a dot of white into a blob of Pink Horror. This coated way better than the Trollslayer Orange did on the previous guy. 

Model 2, pink basecoat for yellow finish.

The layer of Imperial Fist Contrast Paint turned the pink into a really vibrant and rich orange. However, the highlights I added proved to be a wasted step and Contrast Paint like to settle into the recessed areas. If I hadn't moved the paint around before it dried it would have produced the annoyed result of having my lowlights highlighted and my highlights lowlighted; not a result one would, typically, desire. 

Yellow Contrast over Pink.

By the way, I don't know who built these originally ( Cheef or Murl) but they were rather negligent regarding keeping the cowled Ranger heads with the Ranger bods and the helmeted heads with the Vanguard. So these Rangers have mixed up heads. In the end I guess only the guns matter as far as distinguishing who's who and what's what? 


There are a few ninor touch-ups before I declare these two officially done. I  decided at this point to paint their bases dark gray to look like street rubble. My tyranids have their bases paintedl ike this also and they will complent each other if I ever get to a point where I can display them together. Also I want to. get my hands on some ad mech decals. I like what Cheef did with them on the guys he painted and the examples that GW show off in the Codex. 

Model 3.

Oh, and I painted a third guy. Now that figured out how to paint these guys, they kind of go quick. But I need to paint seven more to fill out the squad. But with Dreadtober 2023 starting, well, now, it may take a while to get back to these gadget-guys. But so far, I think they're fun, and a bit refreshing, to paint. 

Fire at the fleshies!