
Thursday, March 06, 2025

Walling Banshee

The wailing banshee! 
(I was going to title this "howling banshee" but I didn't want to mislead the Eldar players). 

Well, all factions need a leader so I started off with this Tomb Banshee. Another overly complex and surprisingly complex build considering what the final model looks like. 


Briar Queen Chill basecoat. 

I employed the same steps that I used on the Spirit Hosts.  I started off by painting most of the model using Briar Queen Chill.  For the hair I used the same steps that I used on the Dwarf Queen. 

Magnadroth Flame  basecoat

For the specific paint  steps on the hair  I used Magmadroth Flame Contrast Paint as the base, followed by a Carroburg Crimson wash. This was followed by a subtle layer of Wildrider Red with a highlight of Trollslayer Orange

Finished hair. 

I tried to copy the steps on making her eyes appear glowy that I saw on a YouTube tutorial, but I don't think I pulled it off as dynamically as that example, but I am pleased with the end result. 

Finished miniature.

In most examples most folks choose to paint her corset a contrasting color. But ultimately I decided to make it part of her look by painting it a lot whiter than the rest if her. I was thinking of the kind of corset one might see as part of a wedding gown. 

White corset. 

The dagger I painted in Mitheril Silver, as I wanted it to definitely stand out from the rest of the miniature.  You might be skeptical about the ghost being real, but you'll have no doubt that that dagger! 

Mitheril Silver blade.

And here she is with her Spirit Host minions. This image is the totality of my fully painted Vampire Counts faction. And I really am getting a kick out of painting these things, they're just not like anything else in my collection. 

Imagine the cacophony they make together!