
Friday, May 20, 2011

My other armies

I'm away on business, and had the foresight to take some gallery pics before heading off. So while the Landraider project is close to completion, there won't be an update on it for another week or more. So, I've decided to show a completed sample of other armies (that aren't Space Wolves or Orks) that I have for 40K that I'm hoping to be able to work on in the near future. In order of origin we'll start with:

1. Chaos Space Marines.
My Chaos Space Marines army started back in my 2nd year at the Kubert School. Two of my room mates and I played a hybrid version of 1st and 2nd edition 40K using only Chaos armies, and we did a campaign using the original Realms of Chaos books. It was incredible fun. My faction started off as a Nurgle Deathguard army, but as the years went on I found myself collecting a mixed army focused on Nurgle and Slannesh. This chap above is my first test model for an Emperor's Children color scheme. I'm not sure how much I like it, but I haven't messed around with these guys since 2004, although the other color-test models linger on my painting table. My primary reason for my lack of interest in Chaos is a result of the decision in the 4th ed Codex to split the Daemons away from the Chaos Space Marines into their own army. It may be a long time before I got back to these guys.

2.Imperial Guard.
This color scheme is a direct copy of my pal Trevor's original Necromunda army (from the back of the original Rogue Trader era plastic box). He was happy with his paint scheme and got me to paint a few units for him, I thoroughly enjoyed painting these guys, and when my brother picked up a 2nd ed Cadian army, I chose to use that same paint scheme and it worked really well.  However this is the only troop model I painted for it (I ended up painting some odd-ball models for it like Primaris Psykers etc.) In recent years I have bought the army from him and I have also bought a Valhallan army as well that I'm also testing this paint scheme on. I think they might mix well. Meanwhile I'm trying this color scheme on current plastics.

3. Legion of the Damned
Although they were only a full-blown army briefly in 2nd edition, I have always been fascinated by these guys since their White Dwarf Magazine appearances in the late '80s. I have a full 10-man squad of these guys comprised mostly of original '80s era metal marines. I entered this squad in the '99 Baltimore Games Day but they were unloved by the judges...

4. Eldar (Saimhann)
The Eldar have been my eternal nemesis since my first Rogue Trader game in late '88, but over time I have developed a fondness for them. My old pal Mark has an Eldar army that he's been collecting for about as long as I've been collecting orks, and has had me painting the odd model of his off an on for years. Saimhann has been his army craftworld of choice and I got really good at painting them. So much so, that I started a small army of my own. These guys are what my base troops look like.

5.Celestial Lions
This is my Codex: Space Marine army of choice based upon the awesome background that GW developed for the 3rd war of Armageddon campaign. I whipped up this guy for a local painting competition (I lost to a vastly Superior painting of Typhus) but I guess the lack of challenge in the paint scheme sort of bored me so I have the rest of the models hanging out on the painting table. This will be a small army that I don't intend to make too big, but allow me to use models and tactics that aren't available to my Space Wolves. Shame that I accidently cut the back-banner out of this photo, I think some of you might have appreciated it....

6. Dark Eldar
I loaded up on this army 10 years ago when Serious Hobbies closed down (they weren't so serious after all apparently) and it's where I first met my pal Charlie whose first words to me were a comment on the mountain of Dark Eldar that I had in my arms ("They die in droves you know..."), However, I never did anything with this army, but with the new Codex and models, I'm very keen to get this army going. This is my first paint scheme attempt that I recently completed on one of the original plastics from the 3rd ed starter box. I like it a lot (although I'll probably not go so over-board with the cast-light glow from the eyes on future models.

Other armies that I have that I haven't got around to building or painting example of yet are the Sisters of Battle, Chaos Daemons, and Tyranids.

I hope you enjoyed this,



  1. I miss serious hobbies, I picked up 5 boxes of gaurdians at half off. I think the best quote was "they die like bitches"

  2. I was there perusing their mini section when the clerk put down the phone & said 'Whatever you want to get you need to get now, as someone just called and said that they want to buy all of it.'

    I'm sure most of it is still buried in the strata of Remmy's room!

    So when are we going to see the other 95 Celestial lions? (and remember, no apothecaries!)

  3. @ Warfrog: That was Olan, and that was directed at, well, any army that dared to take the field against him! LOL

    @ Da Cheef: The strata of Remmy's room...! LOL, I don't even think he plays anymore. He had comics, Star Trek models, comics, and a small horde of minis in that small room, and I don't know how anyone could fit in there. But yeah, he loaded up more than anyone else when Serious Hobbies went under. He chose the old Portent Auction/Trade page to sell off the stuff he didn't like and I think he got ripped off a time or two...

  4. I remember him trying to sell a bunch of that stuff @ Rosco's con. Everyone had the same 'you got this @ cost and want to sell it at full price?' reaction. Needless to say he didn't sell much.

    ...back on topic...

    I think it'd be interesting to see you actually field IG or CSMs.

  5. The last time I played Chaos was with the (1st) 3rd edition Chaos Codex (the really thin one). At the time the Great Unclean one had really goofy stats, and was eaten by the Red Terror! LOL. It's the only thing I remember from that game...

  6. What, my old Ultramarines get no love? ;) Man, I forgot how many armies you had. If (when?) I get back into 40k it'll actually be kind of refreshing to "start over" miniature wise.

  7. I've always liked the Legion of the Damned, it just sucks there no good in game =/

  8. I haven't used them yet in the current edition (the LotD). Bummer I can't take 'em with Space Wolves...:)

    Jay, I actually forgot about the Ultras. I just don't consider them 'mine'. They're still at Mom's BTW...

  9. At mom's in a box? Whaaaa?! Even the land raider?! :)

    Well, if I start getting into it heavy again I'll definitely want at least a small SM force. If my painting experiments go well I was thinking it would be fun to make them some other, rarely seen canon chapter though. That said I do still have a soft spot for the Ultramarines so who knows.

  10. The Ultras are in good shape,they just aren't in my house. Whenever I get everything rearranged, i'll get all of my stuff out of the folks place.

    Also, I left another army: Genestealers ('nids really).

  11. So according to my stats, this one article remains my most read/viewed. Does anyone have a favorite from this batch that they'd like to see me do more of?
    Just curious...
