
Friday, August 31, 2012

Imperial Infantryman's Handbook

While scouring through Amazon last night I stumbled upon this gem:
imperial+infantryman handbook

For those of you who have the previous books in this serious, most famously the Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, you'll know that this isn't just a reference  book, it's practically a prop! Indeed, our copies of Damocles Gulf editions are constantly being used when we play Dark Heresy. Not only are these books dripping with pure Imperial propaganda, they are also impressively mired in military style verbiage and bureaucracy. Indeed, the Primer was a literal extension of military red-tape that the guardsman is forced to carry with him at all times (or get a bullet in the head!). Did I mention that these books are also kinda of funny? Particularly the propaganda regarding how awesome the standard issue Lasgun is at killing everything!

So I have seen zero fan-fare on this title, so hopefully I have done you a service and you'll promptly chase the link and pre-order it like I did!

(...shudder!...why do I feel so dirty all of a sudden?!)


  1. Damn you to hell!!! Am I not poor enough???

  2. It's not THAT expensive! LOL heck it's not much more than the Munitorium Tape Measure I know you've been secretly coveting...;)

  3. Ooh! A Guard issue tape measure! Odds are that won't survive its first battle either...

  4. Update: I have had it confirmed that this book compiles the Upliftng Primer and the Munitorium Manual. Still worth having though!
