
Sunday, August 09, 2015

Ork Nob (Part 1)

This is the Ork Nob that was given to me last summer by Kardos Darkforge along with a few other goodies he let me have (so long as I did something with them!).

Flesh basecoat of Goblin Green. 
He was originally released as a limited edition Games Day model (I know this because I have one somewhere still in a blister pack). But was later re released as part of the 3rd Edition 40K Ork line. I was told by my friend The Bink, that there is a subtle variation in versions of this model with some having a skull hanging from the bolt pistol's handle and some that lack this. I am not sure if this variation is related to the different releases (and I lack the time to seek out that blister pack, but perhaps I can for the next post).

With the recent discussion in our local group regarding the revival of Gorkamorka as a sort of retro-style backlash against Age of Sigmar (no, no, I shalln't start down Ye Olde Rant Pathe) it has inspired me to get in on the action. Now, with my schedule tight, and my days off on days no one can game, I am left so far with having to live vicariously through the posts of Da Masta Cheef to see what I'm missing.

Flesh washed with yellow/green ink combo. 
Now, with fatigue from overworking and rearing my new-born snottling, I've not gotten far with this guy or any of my other projects, but I thought this was up to a decent enough level to share images of him and to show the world that, yes, I'm still doing stuff!

Kiwi coat, with bleach bone on teef and claws. 

This is a fairly easy model to paint, and in actual work-time should be finished fairly soon. Stay tuned for the conclusion!


  1. Ya know, due to GorkaMorka, Da Boyz have actually returned to the painting queue! I finished off 'Dat Sneeky git' the other day, and I have a new spanner in the works right now...

  2. Looking good! Nice bright highlights!

  3. Thanks Greg, but those are mostly tricks of light I think. The highlight (Sunburst Yellow) hasn't been applied yet. You'll see, he'll be even brighter!

  4. Thanks Cheef, I am definitely getting excited about Orks again, I just might get a few units painted from this Gorkamorka surge, I just hope i get to play some!

  5. We hope you get to play, too!

    Is the irony too strong that the catalyst for the Gorkamorka resurgence (aka me, myself, and I) is a fan of AoS? Hahaha!

  6. I would say yes that it's a tad but ironic, yes, indeed.

  7. I would say yes that it's a tad but ironic, yes, indeed.

  8. I would say yes that it's a tad but ironic, yes, indeed.
