
Thursday, October 26, 2017

Street Lights. People.


"Heeey... wanna date?"

The majority of the battle reports I have written for this blog were played at our local Hobby Town USA in Johnson City Tennessee. The vast bulk of the scenery was painted by a HT staffer (Patrick) and a few other volunteers. I worked there briefly in 2015 also but I never had the opportunity to paint any of the scenery. I decided to change that, albeit in a small way, and brought home three of the single lamp posts that someone had mounted onto 25mm bases.

I painted them up quickly, but carefully to get a clean and effective look. I used Apple Barrel Forest Green as the base color over a black primer. Um, not sure what I used to dry brush over this but I think it was Straken Green. Then I concentrated on the details, particularly the 'light', which I built up using four tones of yellow. I believe I did a decent job capturing a 'light' effect here (eat your heart out Kincade!).

After that, I splashed on some orange and brown inks for rust and wear. And that was pretty much it.

 It's a small contribution, I know, but it's a contribution never-the-less and I hope to paint something else for our gaming tables. Getting these to Hobbytown so players can use them, well that's another challenge. So will be living through the stream of Space Wolf piss jokes I am about to be hammered with....


  1. They look fab Nevs. I've not painted mine yet but your post gives me great ideas. Thx!

  2. Always nice to be able to give something back.
