
Saturday, June 09, 2018

Night Gobos

The only fully painted Night Goblin.
Here is something that may seem a bit out of left-field to regular readers of this blog: I am working on a Fantasy army! And specifically, an army for Warhammer Fantasy Battle! Ah, I hear your collective gasps, stammers and befuddled responses of "But you're a 40k player!" And yes, I am, but some of you may recall that a few years ago I was working on a Fantasy Orc army and that seemed to climax with the completion of da-leada-of-da-waaargh. I did not progress any further due to the announcement at the time of Age of Sigmar. I paused to see what would come of that, and with it's subsequent release, I found it wanting and highly discouraging. As a result I put away all my WFB armies and focused on my 40k stuff instead.

Enter The Bob. The Bob had almost the same reaction to 40K 8th ed as I have had with AoS, and has turned his attention back to Warhammer Fantasy and has been sending me pics of his work in progress. Mostly on his High Elves and Dark Elves. They look great!

A Dark Elf pic Bob sent me. 

Needless to say, I was enticed. I started brushing off my WFB 8th ed books and even tracked a few down that didn't have in case we did get serious.

Gray Goblins.
I exhumed my army and began to access what I had. There was quite a bit, and pretty much all the orcs were at least base coated whereas the Gobos were still bare plastic!

Basing material applied and ready for priming.
I wanted to put our game on this blog, but didn't want to see that much bare plastic in the photos, so I did what I could to get them (at the very least) basecoated before we play.

You have a long way to go mates.
You might have noticed from these pics that I only have the one painted Night Goblin:

 Back in 2015 I did a showcase on the fully painted Night Goblin that you see in these pics. I really like him and I recall how quick it was paint him up. I would like to get all these WFB greenskins done, just to have at least one finished Fantasy army, even if we rarely play ever play it.

Basecoated and battle-ready! 

What has to be a record for me, I have managed to assemble and basecoat 60 Night Goblins in approximately a week!
Volley time!
So how will I do when we meet?  Will The Bob steamroller me? Will my Gobos fold like paper when faced with a worthy foe? Stay tuned my friends...


  1. Nice too see some fantasy posts pop up. Great work on the gobbos!

  2. Is....the Mrs. aware that things are starting to 'get serious' between you & Bob?


  3. @ Actually the original plan was that was going to join in with the first game to get an idea of how it plays.

    @Mike Carr- Thanks! It's been a refreshing distraction. We have another post coming up that is a follow up this one that I hope you like also.
