
Sunday, August 19, 2018

Bad Moon Warphead (Part 2)

Continuing on from the first part of this saga, I have made considerable progress on this warp-crazed ork. He is almost done. Here are the steps that got him up to this point:

A fairly "no frills" step, but Chaos Black spray is expensive so why not celebrate it? The next pic is  a basecoat on the stairs. I haven't done anymore than this to it so far, so expect more in depth discussion on this piece in Part 3 or 4.

Basecoat on the base.
The ork flesh was basecoated using Caliban Green. The yellow parts were basecoated in Fiery Orange. The "black" area had a layer of an old Citadel dark blue color (the name of which alludes me currently -it is from the old Epic set) applied to it.

Goblin Green was the next layer on the flesh, which was followed by a wash of green/yellow ink.

Goblin Green!
Sunburst Yellow was painted over the Fiery Orange. But I felt it need a bit more depth... as did the "black" areas. I drybrushed on some Shadow Grey highlights to those areas.

Sunburst Yellow
Applebarrel Kiwi was layered on the flesh. Nuln Oil was washed over the "black" area to tone them back down. I used two washes of Nuln Oil to get the look I was happy with.

Kiwi on the flesh.
The added depth came to me in the form a fairly new color that I have added to my palete; Bloodletter! This was washed over the Sunburst Yellow.
Bloodletter ink wash.
Sunburst Yellow was this carefully applied over the this layer, and I think this worked well improviding the depth in tone that I sought. I may go back to the Meganobs and apply these steps also, but I have yet to scrutinize them in this regard. Sunburst yellow was also applied to the flesh as a final highlight.

Sunburst yellow 2nd application.
Next, I turned my attention to the yellow highlights. I used Bad Moon Yellow for this. I mean, it's only proper, right?

Bad Moon Yellow highlights.
I used an old Ral Partha Bronze on the bells and staff. These are not done, as I will likely take them up to Shinning Gold before I probably bring them back down with an ink wash.

Bronze on the bells.

And that is where I was forced to stop. Until next time!


  1. That came out really well. Bravo. I do like the old school stuff.

  2. He's an absolute classic and you've done him justice !

  3. Thanks for the kind complements, I hope the final product meets your expectations.
