
Monday, March 27, 2023

KHARN!!! (Feeling Khorney Part 12)


Now with more skulls!

Recently I took the time to access the state of my Worldeaters force and the most glaring thing to me was that Kharn's base, still on his original 25mm one, was way too small. He was always too big for that base, with his feet spreading over the edges of it. The current plastic kit comes on a 40mm one.  It was simple enough to expand up to this, I just glued him onto 40mm base.

Kharn's dinky base.

Normally I would green stuff out the edges and try to smooth it out, but I decided to just clutter it up instead. I gathered an assortment of appropriate bric-a-brac: skulls, a space marine helm, a knife, bits of sprue (to look like bricks), a few small rocks and some more skulls. Can't have enough skulls on a Khorne character right?

Debris for the debris god.

As expensive as GW plastic is, I try repurpose all my scraps.

Once I was satisfied with my hint of a debris field, I added some grit. Sometime later when all the glue was dried I started the process of painting it. The usual dirt recipe for the grit, a series of greys for the rocks, Skeleton Horde Contrast Paint for the skulls and Macragge Blue for the marine bits. 

I didn't purposely have the skulls on the right-side looking in the same direction. Really.

I highlighted all these bits with usual methods before finally topping it all off with some grass tufts.  Happy with this, I declare this little upgrade project a success.

Kharn likes his new base, kharn likes skulls!

The Tactical arrow on the busted marine shoulder pad was hand painted.  I just didn't feel like wasting a decal on this considering how obscured the icon is. 

And that's it. I hope to get my Worldeaters onto a table top soon, and hopefully Kharn will be accompanying them. 

Monday, March 20, 2023

Worldeaters Master of Executions (Part 3)


The finished model.

And here is the finished Master of Executions. But first let's finish the WIP steps:

After some deliberation I settled on making the helm on the trophy rack a Dark Angel. My usual method of painting DAs was confounded when I discovered that my old Rotting Flesh paint has become a solid lump of plastic. Major bummer. But the lid was cracked and I guess it was a critical breach that allowed the paint to prematurely dry up. So I found a close analog in ) which I supposed will work for now. 

Although the packaging shows the trophy racks on the backpack are supposed to be bones, I decided to paint them as a metallic bronze would look better. And I do think I like it better that way. 

Chaos on Chaos violence is such a lamentable thing.

The two decapitated fellows were a joy to paint. I based the flesh with Cadian Flesh, a thinned wash of Nightshade was put over this followed by a thin layer of Kislev Flesh. Rakarth Flesh was lightly applied next with the slightest highlight of Palid Flesh. Blood For The Blood God was added to the stumps of their necks. 

I absolutely adore the new Worldeaters decals. However I wanted a bit more continuity with my some of the other Worldeaters units in my force. Particularly I always like that icon was showing a world being plundered. With this model I size up the icon using a circle template and colored that circle in blue.

I added a continent and some isles using Dust and a light green. Once dried I applied the transfer with the help of Microset to complete the icon. I think this turned out quite well. 

After a few touch-ups here and there, I put the whole guy together. I added some grass tufts for the final touch and he was done. 

Complete and ready to execute. 

I forgot to mention the final steps on his leathery half-cloak thing; The last highlight is Tau Orange and the stitches were done using a craft paint called Raw Linen by Delta Ceramcoat. 

The decal has a glare to it making it a challenge to photograph but I think you get the drift. 

I am pleased with how the model turned out, I just need to find the time to get this guy into action....

Sunday, March 12, 2023

World Eaters Master of Executions (Part 2)

I'm back with some work-in-progress updates on our friend, the World Eaters Master of Executions. 

After priming him in Chaos Black, I added Khorne Red to the armored areas. I mean, would anything else make sense?

Next, Mournfang Brown was used to base coat the bones. Because you're not a bad-ass of chaos if you're not wearing someone's bones.

Rhinox Hide was used on the cloak. I like the look of this on the example model pictured on the blister card and think I'm going to attempt to replicate it. 

I used my tried and true old Ral Partha Copper Metallic paint on the filigree and trim. It's an old paint but it does the trick. Another old tried and true paint that I always use is Delta Ceramcoat Gleams Metallic Pewter. I used this on all the silver Metallic areas such as grills and the holstered bolt pistol. But it's most prominent application on this model is on the axe head. 

The classic and old Blood Red was applied to the armor. I had to be particularly careful on the bunny ears to avoid messing up the filigree. 

It was time to create the base. I outlined his feet with a red paint so to know where he was going to stand and to avoid gluing stuff in that area. 

The "stuff" being skulls and grit.  Seriously, can a Khornate model ever have enough skulls on it's base? 

Skipping ahead (I'm sure I have shown these steps ad nauseum) to the finished base. All it needs is some grass and it's done. Note on the skulls, I painted them using Ushanti Bone, Screaming Skull and a highlight of Wraithbone

Along his sides, just under the breast plate, are pair of worn tubes. Their protective layers are wearing out and you can see the metal tubing within. There are similar hoses on a lot of the newer Chaos Space Marine miniatures. I think the first place I saw this was on the Hellbrute models that came out in the Dark Vengeance boxed set at the onset of 6th edition. I decided to paint the ones on this model the same green color that appears on the rest of my World Eaters models. 

We're halfway there! 

There he is, about half done at this stage. Shining gold was added to the brass bits and Mournfang Brown was painted onto the... what do we call that, a skirt?  Hopefully the next update we will see this guy completed.  

Note: what do you all think about my italicizing the paint names? Did it help or hamper your reading of this post?

Monday, March 06, 2023

Necron Lord with Resurrection Orb (Part 1)

 Not long after I finished my chaos android redux miniature I found this blister pack lurking in my collection. I originally bought it and gifted it to brother about 10 years ago when he was flirting with the notion of coming back to 40k and possibly playing Necrons. Well, that didn't pan out and he gave the blister pack back to me when he last moved. I thought I had given it away to someone else as I had minimal interest at the time in doing Necrons. But after that chaos android redux experiment I was kinda hungry for a bit more, so this guy showing back up when he did was amazing timing. 


After a moment, the briefest of fleeting moments, to reflect upon the mint condition status of this sealed blister pack, I tore it open and began cleaning up the miniature. It was a flash and mold line nightmare and in hindsight I am glad my brother didn't put himself through this experience, as it likely would've led to him quiting again anyway.. The staff was particularly bent up. I think a lot of the later metal miniatures GW produced were manufactured so fast that the metal was still a bit soft when it came time to seal them into blisters, but who knows? Unlike resign, pewter is easy to bend back into position, and after a few minutes I had it straightened out. 

...and bent. 

Once I dealt with the flash and straightened out that staff, I put this guy together. I got to say, this model is impressively majestic once built.  

Coming together.

Once he was assembled and the basing material was applied, outside he went for priming. I use the paint intended for use with Contrast Paint. It's expensive, but I find it to very good to work with regardless of whether I actually use Contrast Paint on a model or not. 


And he's been in the queue ever since. And now by posting this perhaps it will inspire me to knock out a paint job for him?  Once I can get back to miniature painting that is; my art projects are maximizing my time these days and I still have those World Eaters to deal with... but I'm eager to see that classic Chaos Android scheme on this chap so I might just go for it. Oh, and his working name is currently Tut the Terrible. Should be a fun addition to the Rogues Gallery when the time comes.