
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

C3 Strike Troopers - BtGoA (Part 2)

Hello. One of my December goals was to get my Concord guys assembled, which I was able to do, and you can read about that in part-1. Due to the wonky weather,  and no good ventilated areas in our humble little abode, I had to wait for the right opportunity to prime these miniatures. I decided to prime them with Testor's Red Brown spray paint.

One of the primed units.

I had been pondering a paint scheme for these guys for ages now and since these guys kind of remind me of the Spartans from Halo,  I was going to paint them based off of my old Halo 3 multiplayer character. But after seeing how nice The Bob's C3 Strike Team paint jobs turned out I was swinging back to just following the standard paint scheme that Warlord tends to go with.  We played our First Antares game recently and I got to see his models in person. I have ultimately caved-in and decided to proceed with that scheme. Well, sort of...

What follows will be my step-by-step, stage-by-stage process for painting these guys. Since I am making this up as I go I have found it prudent to record these steps for (my) future reference.

British Uniform painted on.
The 'green' areas were painted using Model Color English Uniform.

Country Tan
Apple Barrel Color Country Tan was painted on the 'white' areas.

Desert Sand
Americana Desert Sand was dry brushed over the Country Tan.

Black spots.
Black was used to pick out the joints and a few other areas.

White highlights.
White highlights were applied over the Desert Sand. This essentially could have finished these areas as this fits the Warlord color scheme rather well. But I have something else in mind...

Agrax Earthshade and Bloodletter.
I washed Agrax Earthshade over the white areas. This really picks out the details and kind of 'dirties' up the whole model. I worked on the base next. Painted Apple Barrel Indian Red over the brown base coat. I followed that up with a wash of Bloodletter Ink over this. I like how that turns out, as it reminds me of some of the Adeptus Mechanicus bases I have seen people do.

Sadly, something has come up in the real world and I have to stop here. What I plan to do next is to ink and highlight the 'green' area, paint the faces on the helmets and paint the guns. I have been thinking about making their guns a color similar to Zorn's guns from the 5th Element. Something about the plasma rifles design gestalt in the Antares game reminds me of that. 

Every gun will have to get a Red Button according to Cheef.

Something to ponder until I can work on them again.

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