
Sunday, April 22, 2018

Batork (Rogues Gallery Spotlight)

Who is Batork?
"I'm Batork."
 So before you think that I have completely fallen off my rocker, allow me to explain this model. This chap was constructed in the early '90s by my pal Scott. It was a spoof based off of the Tim Burton '89 Batman movie which was incredibly popular at that time (Batman shirts everywhere you went. I think even the Prime Minister had one) while we were living in Suffolk England.

Where does he get those toys?
The model comes from the Space Orks boxed set from that time. The cowl and cape were both sculpted out of Milliput, which was our modeling putty of choice back then. I never encountered Batork in a game, but I got such a kick out of it each time that I saw it. Scott used to fully utilize the scenarios from the back of the Rogue Trader book and wrote many unique mission briefs and mini-campaigns with them. At some point he made one to play with his brother and it featured Batork. Sadly I do not have a copy of this to share here.  Nor do I have his stats, but I think he was a Mighty Hero.

Da hero Goff'm needz 
As years went by and life moved on Scott sold off a large portion of his collection and I somehow ended up with Batork. I have no intention of doing anything with him other than preserving this fun call-back to those times. I found his guns recently and reattached them, and decided to take that moment to snap these pics. I forwarded a pic to Scott and this was his response:

"Ha!  Bat-Ork! Funny...I had no idea you ended up with that figure!  Those were fun times."

Fun times indeed! ...I wonder if he ever painted a grot dressed like Robin? (Gob'n? Oh god no...resist! RESIST!).

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