
Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Venom (Part 4)

This project is coming along nicely, even though I have had to slow down on it a bit. I have opted to not build the full crew for this one (yes, this will not be the only Venom for my Dark Eldar force) as I want to keep this first one fairly simple. Having said that, I did finish building and painting the gunner.

Half way done with the gunner.
She came out pretty much as I expected she would. I will glue her and the cannon into position a little later. Here she is propped up with the Splinter Cannon while I was assessing how this would all come together:

Kill position test-fitting.

Speaking of the Splinter Cannon, the lower mounted guns have been causing me some trepidation. And hesitation. Turns out that these are perfectly set up for some easy magnetization. But, I hesitate doing it for this specific Venom as I worry that it could damage the paint job. They seem to both snap in fine as they are so the point might be moot. I had intended to just go with the Splinter Cannon but it is a points upgrade in both 7th and 8th edition. And honestly the twin-linked Splinter Rifles aren't a bad option in either edition either. *sigh* Clearly, I do sweat the little shit...

Gun options. 
I should have it figured out by Part 5. Heck, this thing may even be done in Part 5 also! We'll see...


  1. The underslung weapons weren't a concern on my Corsair venom-turned-funky looking Vyper due to 8th KILLING that army (me? bitter? why do you ask?). In the old rules, the corsair venom came with twin-shuriken cats whereas the pintle mount was a mix of craftworld and Dark Eldar weapons. Having not gotten that far, it'll just have a shuriken cannon now.

    1. You blame 8th, but it should be FW that you blame for poor follow-through. They have a rather large list of early and discontinued models that they refuse to produce updated rules for. I would be pissed off if I had some of those and wanted to use them in the current ruleset.(Okay, well, I do have a grotbomb, but I never took it all that seriously anyway).
