
Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Shamble On

Recently Warfrog gave me a 6 figure box of Nurgle Plague Zombies. He got them by accident somehow and couldn't conceive of a purpose for him. So he gave them to me, which I am thankful for. But when I went to incorporate them into a list I figured out that I needed more, so I went and got a second box. Unlike a lot of kits I buy or acquire with the intentions of building and painting quickly but instead leave on a shelf or in box for many years, I actually built these in one sitting!

The guy with the rubberband on him didn't want to join together as flush as he needed to be, so the added pressure of the rubberband was required to secure to two sections. It looked too weird having a dislocated bicep floating above his arm so this was a necessary step.

Happiness is a tentacle arm.

So does this mean I am about to go full throttle into building and painting up a Death Guard army? Well, I am unsure of that, so much so that I haven't even put the usual 'part 1' on this post's title. But I might assemble the Know No Fear plastics, run them with my early 90s Deathguard in a few small games and see where it takes me.


  1. Full throttle into building and painting an army?

    Oh You have as short of an attention span as I do when it comes to long term projects.

  2. Hobby butterfly is a real and very serious problem! thanks

    1. Indeed. We should probably film a PSA about it...
