
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Terminator Basing (Part 4)

Here is Joshi Krakenbite, completed sans decals. He brings the fire and thunder to his unwitting foes.
Joshi Krakenbite, assembled for battle!

I tried to make the flame patterns on his Heavy Flamer as seen on the 40k 2nd edition era Space Wolves Codex.  I think it's pretty close... but I will let you guys judge how well it's turned out. You can view that cover back in Part-3.

"Fire! Fire!!!"

Rear view.
It didn't take much from the previous post to get this guy done. Well done sans decals anyway. I won't decal these Wolf Guard until I get them all done.

If I had a hammer...
Next up is Bori Stonepaw. This guy carries a Cyclone Missile Launcher. I had hoped to have him a bit futher along for this post, but I hope you can appreciate how far he has come along regardless.

Bori Stonepaw
Progress shall continue, but in the meanwhile I have a Dreadtober pledge to finish up...