
Saturday, June 08, 2019

Black Legion - Redux

I finished these guys a few years ago, but since that time I have decided to extend their bases out to 32mm. Oddly the posts that featured these models didn't use a 'part' tagline to help me keep up with them (I think it was an experiment on my part? Not sure.) Anyway, I am really happy with how their bases turned out and I was happy to move on from them. Along came the Secret Weapon Conversion Rings which helped me out a lot with extending bases on some of  my models. And they served me well for a while, however they are resin and getting them to bound to the plastic bases can be... a trial of patience.

Resin on left, plastic on right.

While working on the Black Legion Havocs, I decided to finally extend the bases on this Black Legion squad. But I found myself becoming more and more frustrated with the Secret Weapon rings. People have commented on here in the past that there are manufacturers out there that have a plastic product. Scouring Ebay, I found a perfect alternative. I am unsure of the manufacturer unfortunately. Anyway, I am head-over-heels thrilled with these!

The new extenders are attached.

Grit applied to the extenders.

After I basecoated the grit on the extenders, I washed Nuln Oil over it to darken the recesses and to match the new material with the old. The four miniatures on the right side of the pic below have had the wash applied and I can definitely see the difference.

Extenders basecoated.
 After dry brushing on the next two coats, this project was done. I decided that additional grass clumps was not necessary, as these look fine as is.

Extenders fully painted.
 Here is a another shot of the two miniatures used to compare the resin and plastic versions of the extenders. And when done, there really isn't a difference between the two and they both do a great job achieving their goals. I do believe that the plastic ones will hold up better in the long term however.

Resin on left, plastic on right.


  1. What a work! I lack your dedication, so I totally admire what you did here.

  2. They look good and very effective, all completed like that. I just started to cut and tear the old bases off my models and rebased with new 32s. Easier and cheaper for me than buying the extenders from overseas.
