
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Dreadtober 2020 Black Legion Hellbrute (Part 3)

This is my 2nd attempt to write this post. my first attempt disappeared after fighting Blogger when I was attempting to add the final photos. This new interface is fricking aweful and is very hard to use on a mobile device. Now when I upload a photo all I see is code, and I have to look at a preview to see if everything is aligning correctly. It's very infuriating! But this isn't intended to be a rant about blogger but a continuation of the saga of my painting and construction of this Hellbrute.
The rupturing of my internal rage.

Due to the fact that I can't see what I am posting, I am simply going to post what this thing currently looks like and will add in the step-by-step photos and comments in a future post.
Gluing this beast together.

UPDATE: I figured it out. One those hieroglyphs allows you to toggle between Compose and HTML view. How I hit that is mystery, but at least I figured it out...

It's the one that looks like a pencil.

Look for Part 4 in a few days with all the steps that lead up to the current progress shot posted above. 


  1. Troubles aside, he's coming along quite well!

  2. But, but..the new user interface is designed to be more mobile friendly...

    I can't make captions anymore as it instead causes them (or the photo itself) to become a hyperlink to something else.

  3. I freakin’ hate the new interface and they got rid of the option to revert to legacy... oh well. Great Hellbrue, looks like a big boil with a Daemon being extruded from it! Fearsome and gross!

  4. Good work getting the tech issues sorted and the 'brute is looking well.
