
Friday, October 21, 2022

Fixing a Rogue Trader-era Dreadnought (Part 3)


Continuing from part 2, the next stage was to apply the layer of Ultramarines Blue. This is the mid- '90s color that I am thankful to still have a nearly full pot of. It's a brighter version of the color of the same name that came in the '89 Space Marine Paint Set. 

Ultramarines Blue stage.

The next step was to apply a highlight of Fenrisian Grey to the edges. 

Fenrisian Grey highlights.

Those green eyes...they somehow work. I was going to make them red. Should I still do that or leave them? Anyway, I will deal with it soon enough...

Green eyes...keep em or not?

I really like how well the Fenrisian Grey works with the other colors and I think it makes the whole thing pop. I have been using this recipe since the start of 40k 8th edition and I definitely going to stick with it.

Backside view 

Next up, I am going to touch up the metal bits, particularly the gear works in the arm and legs, and then I got to make a decision regarding the where the decals are going to go.  I have decided not to switch bases after all but stick this current one on a regular Dreadnought sized base. I go t an idea that I think will work better than just scattered bullet shells on rocks. I hope I can get it done by the end of Dreadtober, but we'll see...


  1. Humm got smoe RT blood angel dreds somewhere. I'll have to dig them out before Halloween, don't want to miss another neverness deadline !


  2. I appreciate that, but this isn't my challenge but rather a community one that I am participating in. Check out the Dreadtober site for details. This month is also Orktober, but I won't be able to do anything for that I'm sorry to say.
