
Monday, May 29, 2023

Termagant Fun! (Part 3)

 Inspired by the recent distraction caused by the old school Hunter Screamer I recently painted, I felt compelled to paint up a few more Termagants. Since the last time I dabbled on these guys it only netted me a single fully painted model. 

Well now I have a painted squad of five. Which is only half-way towards the minimum unit size. So... progress? 

It allowed me to experiment a bit with the basecoats. I painted two of them using different Contrast Paints for the purple areas. Leviathan Purple was a bit too dark my tastes. The other one, Luxion Purple worked a bit better. The other two were done using the method I described in Part 2. But when they were all done, I like the Luxion Purple one the best. I guess it's the wariness of the hue. Probably why the Indian Red I used on some of my other nid models appeals to me also.  I am thinking that the other five models will probably be painted this way. 

Luxion Purple basecoat. 

Fast forward to the highlights stage: I used Kakophoni Purple as my final highlight on the Purple areas and White Scar as a final highlight on the blue area. I skipped the White Scar step on the Hunter Screamer and I am trying to decide if I need to revisit that model or not...

Finished model.

All-in-all I am pleased with how they turned out. In the pic below you can see them joining up with the lone gaunt (he's on the far left) from Part Two to form their half squad. Oh, their guns are slightly different colors from each other as I played around with different colors to wash over their bone colored base in an attempt at getting the best look for those fleshborers. 

The brood grows .

That's all for now, hopefully I will get the squad painted up to the minimum squad size soon. 

1 comment:

  1. You can almost hear the chitter chatter. Yon need one of those snek's from Corey's yard....
