
Monday, August 28, 2023

Inquisitor Alpha (Part 3)


Inquisitor "Alpha".

This guy was more challenging than my initial assessment of the model led me to believe it would be. There are odd wires and minor details I didn't catch until I really started working on him. And whatever the hell is going on with his gun arm confused me throughout the process. 

I finished the cape by using Folk Art Baby Blue*. Then a thinned layer of White Scar before highlighting it with a thick layer of White Scar.  Quite a bit of the blue shows through but creates a nice contour effect  which is what I was going for. 

The gold was finished by using the '90s era Citadel Colour Shining Gold. It's still the best gold color I own. It's perfect and I will be lost if I ever lose it. 

The sword was kept intentionally dark. I liked the contrast and juxtaposition of having the main focus of the model be a dark and sinister looking blade. 

The 'writing' on the scrolls and parchment was done using a Micron.  A very small tiped Micron. 

And that's essentially it; he is done! 

OK, so we only have a few days left in the month. If you are intending to participate in the 2023 Inquisitional Conclave you have until September 1st to get your images and links over to me. I am planning to post the Conclave on Sunday the 3rd. 

*For the record, this color has never been used on any of my Space Wolves models. Seriously. 


  1. Fantastic looking Inquisitor. Looks all pure and high and mighty and ready to dispense the Emperor's justice all over the place.

    I miss my Shining Gold cos I agree fully with you on it being the best gold paint by far. :(

  2. Oh Dai, I can't imagine a paradigm without my Shining Gold. I would probably have to ditch all of my Chaos forces and my Celestial Lions would never see their ranks increase. It would be a sad state of affairs for sure. I hope you find one again someday.
