
Monday, December 02, 2024

Celestial Lions Chaplain (Part 3)


All ready to use his beat-a-heretic stick. 

Considerable  progress has been made since the last post.  In fact, I finished the model! 

Retributer Armor was washed with Reikland Flesh Wash then highlighted with Stormhost Silver. The exception to this was the terminator honors dangling from his belt, I skipped the was step and instead added Shining Gold in order to make it stand out against all the other gold areas. 

Skeleton Horde Contrast Paint was used on the stuff I decided to paint boney-colored. The right paldron was particularly interesting to me. I highlighted this using Wraithbone

After the touch-ups were done and I decided I was satisfied with paint job in general, I glued on the backpack and added on the grass tufts to the base. 

And presto, a finished Chaplain, ready to take on the foes of the Emperor (while dodging those annoying sniper rounds!).


  1. He looks great! Congrats on your results.

  2. Cool as hell, the mini rocks, and your customization even improved it!
