
Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Pods to Drop and Lands to Speed.(Part 14)

When I left to go out of town on a few recent trips for business, I took the Portable Neverness Kit with me. My intention was to work, once again, on my neglected drop pod  as well as the intercessors I started on back in October. However, while getting everything set up for a round of furious painting I discovered a basecoated Landspeeder Typhoon within my portable kit. For some reason I was more compelled to work on this than the intended Drop Pod. Go figure.

Base coat.
You might recall that I have always intended to produce three of these things. The first Typhoon was completed back in the early days of this blog. I guess I had always intended to work on this model while I was on the road for work, but usually I found that I was tired from traveling to get much accomplished. This is why that 2nd Drop Pod has been an exercise in tedium. Also, I rarely travel to the degree that I stay in hotels all that much anymore, so the chances to work on it are far less frequent.

Russ Grey layer.
Now, during one of my recent travels my phone, a Samsung Note 5, decided to brick itself. Just dropped dead and died. It happened a few hours before I was supposed to catch a flight home which made that trip quite challenging indeed. Luckily I had my tablet with me so I was able to communicate to some extent. I lost all of my photos, some of which were saved for future blog posts. They just were not backed up to Google Photos like I thought they were. No worries, now I have Samsung Note 9 which I am just loving. However the camera is far more advanced and I am having some adjustment struggles. You can see in these photos that, despite their clarity, they tend to be a bit washed out. I assure you that the model isn't this bright in reality.

Tin Bitz base. 
Following the steps I usually take for painting Space Wolves, the hull and armored areas are now pretty much done. Just need some final highlights. I have decided not to go with the orange-to-yellow scheme on the aquila chest plates of the crew, but instead go with a metallic scheme. I think all of my Space Wolves will go this way ultimately as I simply like this look better (as well as the fact that they are much easier to paint). I use Tin Bitz for the base coat of this scheme.

Space Wolf Grey layer. 

With time a precious and fleeting commodity as of late, and my struggling with getting anything done, I have persisted enough to be able to show off some progress here. All that said, I hope to get more done on this thing (and other things) soon.

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