
Saturday, January 01, 2022

2021 Year In Review

 What a wild year this has been. But I got some hobby stuff done. In the 2020 Review I committed myself to try to clear things out of my queue. I was more successful than I wasn't but I did add a few things also. 

What follows is a gallery with links of all of the miniatures and models that I finished in 2021. Normally I might add a blurb or two to sum things up, but this time I'll let the links do their work. Enjoy! 



The Third Death Guard Experiment.

Badmoon Runtherdz

Blood Axe Mekaniak

The fourth Death Guard experiment

The Fifth Death Guard Experiment.


Abernathy Black Monk.

Death Cult Assassins

The Slicing Noose (Wyches)


Inquisitor Jaq Draco

Nurgle Champion chaos-biker

Deathwatch kill-team Neverness

Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnought

A Blood Axe Boy

 Deathwatch Sgt Crull

There are still an abundance of projects to be completed and even more to start. I might not have cleared my queue out, but I made significant progress towards the goal. Getting the first Deathwatch unit done was another achievement for me as they have have been lingering about uncompleted for over a decade, but then I decided to make an army out of them,, thus stunting my resolution goal. 

This year I intend to finish my Deathwatch army in 2022, do up some more Orks (old and new) and get back to some Eldar (Dark and Kraft). But we shall see.  In "real life" we just had a baby arrive into our lives and we're still doing school for our 6 year old. That's on top of me doing art for The Smoking Wyrm and I just accepted a full time position at my job. So things may appear to slow down a bit around here, but know that behind scenes I am extremely busy! But I will continue to dabble where and when I can.  Happy New Year!


  1. Really good stuff and well done. Looking forward to seeing what you get up to this year

  2. Thanks! I hope to make some good progress this year.
