Continuing on from the
Part-1, I got the second Reaver up to the same basecoat level as the first one.
Basecoated in Khorne Red. |
Then I painted them up to the next level using Blood Red.
Blood Red. |
The next two layers were Wildrider Red and final highlight of Sunburst Yellow.
Here they are being compared to the
Venom that I painted last month. Note that the curvature of the Reaver Bikes are exceptionally good at catching a glare so photographing these things is a bit tricky.
Venom comparison. |
Using a bit of sponge I dabbed on some areas to give the impression of scratched paint. This was done primarily to the Bladevanes and sharp edges.
Scrapes applied. |
A further highlight of Mitheril Silver was added to the edges of the blades and randonly added to a few spot to look like fresh gashes.
Mithril Silver added to the blades. |
Notice the bike with the overhead gun; I just couldn't allow the illogic of having the blade nearly touching the rider's head to continue. So I trimmed it off and together with another blade glued it to the side of the Splinter Rifle to give a sort of pronged claw-like look. I think it improved the look of that bike also!
So these first two Reaver Bikes are done, I just need to finish the riders next.
Really nice paint scheme! It makes the OOP reavers almost passable. I'm so glad they have updated the Dark Eldar to the new models.
Smart paint job, very stylish. Good job mate.
Looking good! Can't wait to see them on the table
Thanks everyone!
@Matt Blowers: I do like the updated (most of which are now approaching 8 years!) models a lot. My whole thing is that I gathered most of what I have when a few games stores closed down in the early '00s. The updatung and merging if the omd with the new has worked out surprisingly well I think.
@Siph: cheers man, thanks as always!
@Bob: I look forward to getting these in action. It is going to take a long time to get my Dark Eldar up to a strong enough force to be viable for 8th, but maybe we can work them into a Kill Team match...?
Forgive those typos, doing this frombmy mobile...😕
Damn, those look good! Great work.
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