The Black Monk. |
Father Abernathy The Black Monk of Unicoi Secondus. When I wrote the taunting email to Da Masta Cheef as prelude for our recent game (The Prize), the character of the wacky zealot Father Abernathy the Black Monk was born.
Super easy basecoats. |
The model was included with the Valhalla Imperial Guard army I bought from Rob many, many moons ago and remained in his primed black state in my miniatures case for two decades. I rediscovered him while poking thru that case looking for options to put into that small IG list and this chap all but jumped out at me. My first thought was that he could be associated with the Bank of the Black Monks from Blackadder, particularly the Baby-eating Bisbop of Bath and Wells who enjoys torturing those who fail to pay their debts, and the amusing thought of that stayed in the back of my mind. I was just too inspired by that idea to let it go and so I just had to make a list based around this chap. His paint scheme in the above pic was super easy as I was only going for a battle-ready level.
The Black Monk inspiring his men in battle. |
I was really enjoying painting this guy and he was fun to play with in the recent game that we used him in. So I figured I would finish him off. Nothing special to really discuss as far as painting techniques or color combos other than his robes. I did that by edge highlighting up two shades of gray before washing it with Nuln Oil. I then deepened some of the shadows and recesses using Abaddon Black. Simple, and actually fun!
I decided to go with the dirt brown base rim even though my older IG have Goblin Green bases. I just think the Guard look better with the grittier color.
The finished Black Monk. |
And with that, he was done. Glamor shots were in order for the newest member of the
Neverness Rogues Gallery. (This is likely not the last we'll of this guy!) And here they are, enjoy!
Bringing the light to the damned. |
Hindsight. |
Foresight. |
Quite an evocative mini, I like your take on this one :)
Thanks guys, he was a fun guy to paint up. Simple and quick.
Love the little backstory in him and all. Plus it is a Blackadder reference!
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