The Dairy Cow of Love
continues to be colored.
I used Apple Barrel English Blue on the 'black leather' areas. I think this gives the leather a slightly worn look about it. Also I base coated the metal circular plates that form a belt and that hang on her back with Burnished Gold.
Leather and gold. |
Next I washed the Burnished Gold with Chestnut Ink. Then I basecoatws the armout with an old Citadel Metallic pianted called Amethyst Purple.
Chestnut Ink on Burnished Gold. Amethyst Purple armor. |
I applied the Amethyst Purple to the armor on her head as well as repeated the color steps for the gold trim. I started to work on the horns and teeth at this step also.
Coloring the head. |
Shining Gold was added as a highlight to the gold. I then drybrushed Mitheril Silver on top of the Amethyst Purple.
Mitheril Silver drybrused over Amethyst Purple. |
A wash of 1:1 water/Druchii Violet was applied over the armor. I really like how vibrant this made the armor appear and I am quite pleases with it.
Druchii Violet wash on the armour. |
I finished the horns and teeth bringing the bone color up to a white highlight. Finally I painted Mitheril Silver on all the spikes, buckles and sharp things that appear across this miniature, of which there are many.
Mitheril Silver spikes. |
Next, I have the base to paint up before relocating this model onto it. That will be covered in part 3.
Turret base primed and ready for part 3... |
Really cool, I have one of these I am meaning to paint up at some point. Nice to see a detailed walk through of how you are doing yours, look forward to seeing it finished.
Thanks. I look forward to getting the whole thing done. It has been a fun diversion from all that gold armor...however I have been inspired to paint some Daemonettes as a result of this, so hopefully I get some of them knocked out in the near future.
What's the turret base from?
I'll tell you in part 3!
(or just re-read the first post)
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