After a bit of poking and prodding, I managed to complete this model. Yay!
Finished! Yay! |
The method I employed back in Part One, by priming the tracks with a brown spray paint, has worked out well. Of course I couldn't just leave at that so I added a few conservative brush strikes of Leadbelcher to the upper part of the track. That was followed by a drybrushing of Zander Dust over the brown areas. I also lightly and briskly dry brushed the areas of black around the treads on the sides as well.
Due to this model being constructed prior to my ownership of it, the interior is unpainted. But I did paint the threshold of the main entry point. I wanted it to look worn and very utilized. I think I managed to achieve that look.
The cult mechanicus symbol is always a challenge for me paint. Every time I paint it I am thankful that I never made an Adeptus Mechanicus army. There is a plate on the engine, I suppose it's a name plate or something. I haven't figured out what to put on it yet, but I want it to be witty...
I thought the model needed just a touch more detail. I found some Inquisitorial icons from the old Witch Hunters decal set that I thought might do the trick. And I am happy to say that they did in fact go well with this model.
I put them on the front hatch and the two smaller ones were placed on the side doors. Once again Microsoft and Microsol were great aids in getting them on right.
With that final touch, this Landraider was done! It was such an easier model to paint compared to my Space Wolves one, and I hope the next vehicle I do for the Deathwatch goes just as smooth as this one did, and the Rhinoback also,
Ready for action. |
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