My lil' pony being put to work. |
This is the pony driven miner's cart from the old Battle of Skull Pass boxed set, which was the Warhammer Fantasy Battle 7th edition starter box. This particular one was acquired second hand and the previous owner had a fixation on painting hair in metallic colors. On this model a gold paint was used on the pony's mane and tail. It somehow works, but not enough for me to let it be. Watch as I am going to almost completely repaint this model.
Originaly paint job, with new base by me. |
The first step was for me to mount it on the appropriate sized base. I added rocks and grit to the base to get it prepared for basing.
I painted the base using
Apple Barrel Teritorial Beige. It's been my go-to dirt color for close to two decades now.
I wanted the cart itself to appear old, well-used and a bit rusty.
Rhinox Hide was a perfect base coat for this idea. It was also a good base color for the straps and banding. The stuff on top the cart appear to be sitting on a wooden pallet.
Rhinox Hide felt like it work as a base for this as well.
What follows is the results of a tsunami of washes, drybruahing and blends to get this thing essentially done. A lot of which went into trying to make the cart itself look like aged metal without making it look like ogre scrap.
The one thing I hate about this model is the sculpted grass touching the pony's raised hoof. I hope to hide it behind some grass tufts in the next step.
...and I think I accomplished that. I may have went a bit nuts with the grass tufts on this base, but I felt that there was a lot space to fill on this base so I just went for it.
All-in-all I'm pleased with this one. It has prompted me to consider how I am going to paint the one from my Skull Pass boxed set that is still on the sprue. Maybe that one won't be as rusty, or maybe it's state of decay and wear and tear will be worse?

I hope you got a kick out of this one. There are more Old World goodies coming to this blog soon. I gotta say, after spending the last few years painting 40k stuff exclusively it's a nice change to be painting Fantasy models again.
Such a lovely little model!
It looks great, what a fantastic job!
Cute horsey. Nice base work
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