It was time for the detailing. It took me awhile to figure out exactly which icons I wanted to use. I like to use the original Space Wolf badge whenever possible, often mixing it with the newer 'Blackmane' company badge. But recently I was introduced to a technique that influenced my decision.
Now with Iconography! |
Once I decided which decals I wanted to use, I was prepared to start applying decals. Decal application can be a harrowing ordeal for me, but I have learned a lot of techniques over the years and I try to share them on this blog whenever I can. But recently I listened to something that blew my mind; even more so when I proved that it works!
On a recent episode of
Voxcast , GW's bi-weekly interview podcast, Mark Bedford was the guest. He recounted his history with GW; what he had done in the past and what he does now. Basically his entire history with this hobby and GW. But about just past the halfway part of the interview he revealed a number of techniques and tips that he employs to be a better painter and hobbyist. I encourage you to check these out, a lot of it was eye-opening to me!
The tip in particular that I used on this model was to
brush on Gloss Varnish to the area you intend to apply a decal prior to application. This eliminates the bubbles that cause the transparent part of the decal to appear as a film around the application. In the past I have painted over this when it occurs, but since I have been using Microset and Microsol, it hasn't occurred as much if at all. So let's see how my first attempt turned out:
Gloss Varnish applied to the panel. |
I applied Gloss Varnish to the two large panels on the side of the cockpit (This is the piece with the aquila on it). The first decal was a stylized '1'.
One hope, one vision. |
The other was a yellow diamond. And dang, this technique works like a charm!!!
Yellow diamond. |
Since the early '90's GW has produced decals that look like that they were designed to overlap, but in all this time I have never seen a tip on how to actually do this, in fact I still haven't! But this tip from Mark Bedford helped me figure out that once the first decal is dried, if I apply Gloss Varnish over this decal I can apply another one over it without the water from the 2nd one reactivating the 1st one.
2nd decal applied over the first. |
And by Russ, it works!!! I am totally thrilled by these results!
Next up I hand painted the Grey Hunters Pack marking to the tail. I assume Grey Hunters pilot these aircraft, since they seem to pilot or drive everything else in the Space Wolf chapter. The current codex is unclear on this. Anyway, I sketched in the pattern with a micron.
Hand drawn pattern. |
I then base coated the area with Khorne Red and Abaddon Black.
Pattern basecoated. |
Next I painted Mephiston Red over the Khorne Red and applied a highlight layer of the old Blood Red on top of that. I then tightened up the Black until I was happy with it.
Pack marking finished. |
Next I added more decals following the same technique from the Bedford interview. And repeating the overlaying step for the 2nd chapter badge on the wing.
More badges for the top. |
I also added another 1 glyph, some Grey Hunter sword icons to the wing tips and tail and two campaign badges.
Designations added to the tail. |
And with that, I declare this thing done!
The finished model. |
The only thing left to do is the base and flight stand but I am waiting for some Bitz that I ordered to arrive before I can proceed with that final stage. Once done I will take some "glamour shots" of this in action. Better yet, I will try to get this thing into some action!
Cool! And nice to learn the decals tip, I have to try that! Thanks for sharing!
Cane out really well in the end. The overlapping decals worked out well.
Glad to share this, I hope this helps you (and others) in future decal endeavors.
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