Saturday, August 17, 2019

Where is Neverness?

Regular readers might have noticed the shroud of silence over the past couple of weeks here at the Hobby Chronicle. I don't like tacking on real-life updates onto actual content posts, so I figure this deserves it's own post.

 Back in early June I lost my job. You might have noticed a content burst around then, as I was able to find some time for hobby stuff between job searches. But I started a new job in the middle of July that has just been an unexpected beast to me. I come home very tired and worn the hell out. So my hobby motivation is sparse to say the least, but what time and energy I can muster has been going into producing 2-D art. Yup, I am doing art again! This time for a Fantasy Roleplaying zine.

Self portrait: when I come home from work.

 I am quite happy to be inking and drawing again to say the least. This will be the first art I will get in print since the last issue I did for Armorcast's Inquisitor magazine back in the late '90s (it was a Squat themed issue!). I am posting only a few (poorly lit) snippets/teasers here as I don't want to undermine the editors of this zine, or spoil any surprises, prior to publication.

Of course I will post details on how to acquire your own copy of this zine, if you desire one, when the first issue is released. I am excited to be part of this and I look forward to seeing this reach fruition.

Oh, just guess!

Fear not, once things normalize with my job (or I find a new one) I should be back to painting little toy soldiers soon! I am eager to finish some of the painting projects I have going, but all in time...

Scurry on dude.


Siph_Horridus said...

Glad you were able to get another job, just post when you feel you can and we’ll still see you in our sidebar blogrolls, don’t worry about pageviews and it takes the pressure off. As for hobby, just set aside 30mins daily before bed to unwind and progress something hobby related, it will help relax before sleep and chip away at the to-do pile.

Suber said...

Well, sorry about the bad news, but glad to know you found a job. I do like what I see here! Drawing or doing anything of the like is a thing I miss a lot, it's been years, so I can totally empathize with the feeling. I hope everything goes well!

neverness said...

Thanks for the well wishes guys. The art is coming along again, albeit slowly, now that the 'Back to School' season is dying down and I am back to working semi-sane hours (with 2 days off a week again!). I hope to get the art duties done in the next few weeks and get back to some miniature painting. With Ork/Dreadtober coming quick I hope to able to get something done along those themes before I have to start on the next wave of art. I can't wait to share the finished pieces with you all!