Welcome back to the 2021 Inquisitional Conclave, let's check on this week's progress:
DAM finished his Inquisitor Eisenhorn and... wow, I LOVE it! Here's Inquisitor Eisenhorn in all of his pre-rogue glory! Check the link for more pics!
Eisenhorn, feeling a bit rogueish. |
And he worked on a Cherubael miniature as well! Now Gregor has a playmate.
Cherubael. |
Here's The Bob with an Inquisitor Greyfax with a headswap that he just started working on:
The hooded Greyfax. |
Da Masta Cheef started on a second Inquisitor, from the Ordo Mechanum it's Inquisitor MS-DO5. (Damn do I love that name!)
Inquisitor MS-DO5 (WIP). |
He also made a Squat henchman called
Captain Teague. It's a sad tale indeed...
I made progress on my Inquisitor Draco. Actually I finished it a few hours after I posted the update but I am saving the finale for next week.
Draco sans arms. |
Meanwhile on Devos IV the Inquistion brings the ladies. Lots of them, and they mean business! Hopefully he'll answer our questions regarding how he came about acquiring these miniatures and how (maybe) we can too! And those pics I couldn't see last week, well, he sent me a tsunami of them. For sake of brevity I am only included a fraction of the what he sent me.. Here's hoping I can match some of the pics to the words.
Inquisitor Barlain Taochilai of the Ordos Helican - the same conclave that Eisenhorn and Ravenor belonged to, although that was a long time ago. He is rarely seen without a recaf or Lho stick or both in his hands. He is a Wyrd, rather than a full Inquisition trained psyker. He is strongly clairvoyant, to the extent of being able to see past events play out overlaid over the present as a sort of watercolour quality image. He has found over the years that this is extremely useful in deducing what has happened.
XF1 and H25S are former opponents, both hired muscle for heretical organisations, captured and sentenced. They now do penance as combat servitors one with a chainsword and one with a heavy stubber. Woe be to him who betrays the Emperor.
Aeirlain Rymastocker is an inquisition trained beta level psyker. She is taciturn but has a very dry sense of humour which sometimes gets the better of her. She like to put on an act as a witch; whenever she can she will adopt the witch costume of the culture Taochilai's team are working in and ham it up. Perhaps some reflection of being a sanctioned psyker and not actually being considered as an interrogator.
Marveh Neetow is what is generally view as a crusader. Heavily protected by refractor field and body armour, he sports the skulls of the psykers he's slain with his Ekwesh semi sentient blade. Inquisitor Taochilai invariably makes him responsible for Aerlain. Which he has chosen to interpret as being her close protection until the point where she is possessed by the warp, at which his task is her final sanction. He is altogether serious where she is having a laugh. but they rub along well enough
Utar Gottleibb was a DKK soldier who worked with the Ordo Xenos on Radnar. He proved himself useful and was inducted into inquisitorial service seven years ago with the rest of his platoon. But way of the tasks assigned them since then, he is likely the only one left and now finds himself in Inquisitor Taochilai's service. He has, in recent times, been trained both as a drop trooper and more lately as a Valkyrie pilot.
Lashe Cardet is a Harakon born minor noble. She was due to be married off to some awful cloud Namib when the Inquisition came for one of her intended's relatives. In the fall out which followed, she managed to make off with a promising Interrogator named Barlain. She is now resigned to the fact that one does not actually marry the inquisitor one works for. There is no steady, settled married life for inquisitors. But this is an exciting life doing important work. She's loving it.
Watchmaster Nachtfalk was a member of an artillery unit here on Devos IV. His discretion and potential were spotted by another inquisitor and he was requisitioned and inducted soon after. Inquisitor Taochilai is finding it enormously beneficial having someone who can immediately access the 72 Army Group's command structure. His armour has been glossed up, marked with the =I= and devotional aqilla applied to each side of his helmet.
Hopefully I got that right, if not I'm sure Zzzzzz will let me know and I can move the pics around (or he'll throw the Brick Of Scrutiny through one of my windows.)
Ok, next week is the last weekend before the finale on September 4th (so technically there are two more weeks for us to take advantage of!) so let's see if anyone else wishes to join in the fray!
Great work everyone!
DAM(n). That Eisenhorn is way better than mine. I hate it.
You've got a pict of the witch down near the blurb for the gurl with the jet pack, but fortunately all of your readers are smart enough to spot that.
I updated the post with the xenophobic ladies on, but in short they are from statuesque miniatures.
MS-DOS ?!?! I snorted so loud Mrs Z looked up from her ipad.
Yes, Da Masta Cheef's wit can be a choking hazard if encountered while eating or drinking. Happens to me a lot!
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