Thursday, September 26, 2024

Thunderer Struck! (Part 1)

 Here is the next unit of my recently acquired second-hand Warhammer Fantasy Dwarves to receive my attention. I have already updated their bases from 20mm to 25mm.


Like the previous unit, I intend to just paint over the existing paint job. Weirdly, this unit featured even more metallic colors than the previous lot including green metallic clothing and gold beards.  Color-wise it's surprisingly close to the scheme I'm using, just in metallic. 


But unlike the Warriors unit, I felt these guys needed a bit more than just grass tufts. Rocks, random rocks scattered about seemed like a logical, and easy, thing to do. However I needed more small rocks and I wasn't about to pay $9.99 for a bag of them when my front yard looks like this: 

Lots o' rocks.

After a matter of minutes I had gathered up a few appropriate, and interesting enough, rocks to serve my basing ambitions. And I finally found a use for the empty container that came with the old Citadel Basing kit. 

"I gotta rock."

With a few strategic glued down rocks, I decided that the unit leader would look snazzy with an orc skull on his base. Then it was time to apply all the rest of the grit.  -Exciting stuff huh? 

The process for painting these guys is the same I used to paint the previous batch of Warrirors. The original painter painted the wooden stocks of the rifles in a bold burgundy color. I drybrushed on a layer of Screamer Pink and finished that with a wash of Carroburg Crimson to get a look that I liked. 


And with that I have the first guy of this unit done. Well, 'done' to level that I'm satisfied with. I think I can knock out the rest of them in part 2.  

1 comment:

Suber said...

Well, you rock! No, seriously, pretty nice job on this one. Now that you've opened the way, the rest will be easier!