I have been putting off the decal stage of this project for far too long. My initial excuse, as I briefly ranted about in my
2014 year-end review, was that I had lost the World Eaters decal sheet. It eventually did turn up, but I also had recieved some kind donations from a few local players (Mike, Scott and Skylar -thanks again) who were generous enough to help out.
Decals for the Blood God!!! |
I fricking hate decals.
They are such a pain in the ass, are a lot of focused and intense work, and often times the results are sort of...lacking.
So I procrastinated, and worked on other things. But, while looking back through my extensive catalog of unfinished projects, this one stood out as one I had neglected for far long. So, to start this new year I am determined to get these guys done.
I put the first one on, and it came out great. Only to discover that teeth were transparent and that I would have to paint them in with White paint.
First Icon applied. |
Needless to say that was a disaster (no, not sharing those images!). But it did present a solution: Paint the colors first, then apply the decal.
Success! |
And this was a total success (comparatively).
I used the same technique on the chaos icon with a transparent skull as well, and it also worked out great.
Both sides complete. |
I have managed to get a few more done before time was up, but I am pleased with how they are turning out. Notice the small chaos symbol on the skull hanging from the chain on the far left mini.
More finished guys. |
This is what the colors look like prior to applying the decal by-the-way:
More guys ready for the Icon. |
The unit's Aspiring Champion, who was the subject of
Part-2's drill and pin feature , is now finished. Considering how much time I have put into this model, I suspect he'll 'spawn-out' in his first post-painted game.
The Aspiring Champion. |
And here is the metal Icon Bearer, featured mostly in
Part-8, also now done and complete.
He is actually going to be the Icon Bearer for a the other Berserker unit, the chaps I call the dancers and prancers...
Finished Icon Bearer. |
The dancing berserkers, yes, it's been ages since I worked on them, but their time has arrived! When I first got some of the
secret-weapon-conversion-rings I tried them out on two of the guys from this unit before sanity prevailed; these minis simply didn't justify them. They just were not in a state that didn't warrant giving them 32mm bases.
The two guys with extended bases. |
And I decided to rip the others from their 25mm round bases instead.
Bases detached. They make good wounded guys huh? |
I then reattached them to proper 32mm bases.
New bases. |
Afterward, I was compelled to give the whole squad a coat of Blood Red, No pics of that yet, but the project continues on for both Berserker units, and you'll see more of these guys soon!