WH Old World

WARHAMMER: The Old World

Hello, this revamped page is now the home to all things Warhammer Fantasy, which will include Warahmmer Fantasy Battle, Mordheim, Heroquest, Warhammer Underworlds, Warhammer The Old World, and whatever else that comes along that is Warhammer without the 40k. 

Since the release of Age of Sigmar, the state of my Warhammer Fantasy Battle projects were all consigned to 'Limbo'-like status.  Now with the release of Warhammer The Old World my itch for it is fired back up. In the meanwhile, here is whatever I have so far. 

WHFB/The Old World

  • Daemons of Chaos
  • I will likely not be continuing with Daemons in WHFB due to my ultimate decision to go with round bases. Maybe if I ever play AoS these guys will be ready to go? Who knows for sure? 

    Bloodthirster (original)

    Original Bloodthrister aka "Skippy"

    I may be short, but I can still take your skulls!

    This is the original Bloodthirster. When I painted him he still belonged to my brother, but I acquired him when I bought his armies from him. Note the Dark Angel shoulder pad on his base, proving that the original intent was to use this model for WH40k. I believe I painted this model as a color study for trying to figure out what color I wanted to paint his Khorne Daemons and the 'new' Blood Thirster if we ever got one (which, we never did...sigh...). But I was, and still am, satisfied with the color study. It reminds me of the painted Bloodthirster in the original Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness book that was fighting a Space Marine Dreadnought. Ah, classic stuff... Personally, I like the character of this model and still think he works even though the current model has way bigger and better wings. Oh, and the one time I ever went to Games Day I entered him into the Golden Demon awards. He didn't have a hope! LOL


    Daemon Prince 1 -Khorne themed Daemon Prince. The 1st of many...
    Keeper of Secrets 1 -AKA, She Who Milks, Rogue Trader era model.
    Daemonettes Rogue Trader era models.
    Chaos Spawn Intended for my 40k World Eaters, they could potentially be used for AoS. 

  • Empire
  •  This army has a lot of models built and base coated, but very few finished models. I spent A LOT of time on the Captain on Pegasus, but didn't get much else finished with the army before 40k pulled me back into it's grip.

     Captain on Pegasus
    Check link for more pics and info.


    The spearmen is a unit that I started and when I proudly finished the 1st guy, and thought that they would be really quick and easy to do,  well turns out that yeah, they are, but they sort of bored me too. So they have been taking me forever to get done. They are still on my painting table and I pick at them sometimes. These four are the ones that are done, sans shields.

  • High Elves

  • The High Elves were the 1st the faction I ever made an effort to build an army for. I love the background and look of this army. I have a lot them base coated and built, and I truly intend to get them up and running again at some point.


    These are the classic models that game in the 4th Edition boxed set. Yeah, mono-pose they may be, but when painted well they look striking when ranked up as a unit. Also, they have the added bonus of not having the appearance of wearing ovenmits like the newer ones do.

    This was the unit that I first came up with the idea of using the upside down crescent moon on their shields, which became the army's icon.


    This model was a generic Elf wizard back in the day, although I believe he was intended to be a High Elf, I often saw him packaged for Wood Elves (must be the bird) regardless, I have always liked the model, and decided he would fit in well with my High Elves. I chose to not paint him white but instead use the fade-from-black-to-twilight scheme that I use on the army's shields. Plus it ties in with the traditional "stars on robes" look that you see on wizards in fantasy art.

  • Orcs & Goblins

  • My Orc army was my Fantasy army of focus during 8th edition of Warhammer Fantasy Battle.  Indeed I had been working on them off an on all of the summer of 2013 and had expqnded into a sizable Night Goblin force thanks to getting my hands on a 7th edition starter set.  That was until AoS was released in 2015 whivh radically reduced the progress of this army to a near standstill.  With Warhammer The Old World now here I want to work on this army again but the notion of rebasing these guys is a notion that I can't currently deal with,, so I have been focusing on different factions instead.. Previous links are listed here:

    orcs-with-c-part-5-regiment done!
    Chariot of Waaagh!
    da-leada-of-da-waaargh -Finished Black Ork Warboss (AKA: Grumlock and Gazbag)

  • Bretonians
  • I have two sets of the 5th edition WHFB starter set as well as few miscellaneous blisters and boxes. This is an army I have always loved but I see it as a wicked challenge to try to paint these models. With every knight being pretty much unique it looks to be a beast of an army to try to tackle, but I know it will be very satisfying once it's done. I haven't painted a single model for this yet, and at this time remains very much a tertiary army. However with Warhammer: The Old World's launch I got bit by the Bretonian bug and picked up a few odds and ends for this army. Maybe their time will finally come?

  • Dwarfs

  • I originally had no desire to build a Dwarf army, and yet I have accumulated a few dwarf models over the years. The 7th edition starter set loaded me up with a small army that I think I just might go ahead and make playable. Very far down the list of priorities at the time, I painted up a single model so all the dwarf loot depicted on my gobos will have a theme to unify them to. I experienced an unexpected level of joy painting that model, and now that inspired an itch to get an army up and running.  With 2024's launch of Warhammer: The Old World I decided to make the stunties my lead army for it. In fact, they're the first army I have painted a unit for (thus far) and with more to come. 

    A single dwarf (the test model for my army scheme) 

    Dwarf Warriors. This is the first unit I have painted for WTOW. 

    Dwarf Thane with Hammer- A leader with a big-ass hammer and pimp'n cloak to go with it.

    Mining Cart #1 The first of hopefully many. 

    Dwarf Queen- A classic from the late '90s makes her return to the Old World.

    Tbunderers (Unit 1) - Some much needed firepower. 

  • Skaven

  • Mostly for Mordheim and used most recently for WFRP. For more info see :...they're-rats."

    • Vampire Counts
    This is a whole new (as of 2025) faction for me cobbled together from the scatter undead models that I picked up over twenty years ago to use for D&D and WFRP. It turns out that I have enough of it to make a small Vampire Count army using the Old World Legacy list. I made a few additional purchases to augment them, and presto, I have a new army. 

    Spirit Hosts. Ethereal spooks! 


    I had this game demoed to me a few years ago, bought the starter set at the time, painted one faction and have yet to revisit it. I intend to so, but there is always something on the 40K side that has my attention. 


    We gotta have something to fight over, through and around, right? 

    Death Castle The saga that feels like it will never end. 

    Battlemasters Tower Small and wonderfully nostalgic. 


    Equis Tyranus. Orcs & Gobos vs. High Elves (8th ed game)

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