This project was initiated rather quickly. However I have only just begun it and there has been way too little progress to show you much, so first, a manifesto if you will:
As some of you know, I have been working on my
Bad Moon Mega Armor Nobz and that, along with my recent nostalgia kick with the
2nd edition era Goffs, had got me thinking about how to truly complete this army. I know, some of you scoff (
Da Masta Cheef likely just sprayed his morning drink across his monitor), but I do aspire to it. This vision of mine is rooted in the 'Ere We Go/2nd Edition Codex Orks approach to how a Waaargh comes together: mobs of Orks, gather from a variety of Clans to rally behind the strongest leader. The variety of clans favor certain combat roles and aspects from each other.
Since 3rd edition came along I really only thought about painting my Orks like Goffs, but this approach felt... incomplete. I
loved my 2nd edition orks. I had Snakebites, Goffs, Bad Moons, Blood Axes, Deathskulls and Evil Suns all rallied under one leader and it was cool. But when 3rd edition came about the clans were greatly marginalized. The Design Studio had come to feel that the clanz were getting a bit too silly and wanted to return them to the earlier days of Rogue Trader when they were more maruader-like. Which is fine, but damnit couldn't we have the best of both worlds? In time, the clanz returned and we now do, indeed, have the best of both worlds.
And I am embracing it. My idea is to break my forces up into micro-armies. Battalions are probably the best way to represent this idea. Each specifically favoring a clan theme. As you can see from the two links in the 1st paragraph, the Goffs and Bad Moons are rolling along. I have huge plans for Blood Axes as well. They will dominate this blog at some future point. Deathskulls will mostly be my Lootas with a few Boyz mobz and some support. Evil Suns will be the vehicles and mechanized support. And my Snakebitz will be last simply due to the amount of time and space I will need for the Squigoth and also because there hasn't been a proper Feral Ork list in years!
And each of these will need a leader.
Ror Ruk is my Goff Warlord usually. And I have ideas on who the Blood Axe and Deathskull Warlords will be. But I was stuck on the Bad Moon one. And earlier this evening it leapt out of the case at me: the classic Bad Moon Warphead!!! The really crazy one!
The crazed Badmoon Warphead. |
And instead of trying to finish those Meganobz (you can see them lurking in the background) I set about starting on this guy. I was right about to greenstuff up his base to match the expanded bases on the Meganobz when I decided that he needed something a bit more....epic. Or rather heroic. Then I remembered the Hero Bases set, the first of which was used on
She Who Milks, the second one is being used on a Chaos character I have yet to post about (I think you guys will like that chap) and now this one, the broken Imperial Stairs.
A stairway to the stars. |
I chose to use this one because the box for this basing kit has on it a Space Marine Librarian looking all powerful and bad-ass while standing on these stairs. I figured this Warphead, also being a psyker, will look like a defiant power-mad villain daring the gods to challenge him!
I added a few skulls to the stairs prior to taking it, and the Warphead, out for priming. But I might add more before it's all done. The Dark Angel heads are always a hit after all...
Good health to you. |