Monday, March 07, 2022

Imperial Robot #2 (Art Monday)

 This is the second illustration intended for an article on Imperial Robots.  We were going to update the old Rogue Trader era program rules to work with Warhammer 40,000 Second Edition, but I don't think we ever wrote any rules prior to us deciding not to go forward with the publication of our fanzine (BMQ). 

Like the other one, this was a simple drawing, but I had a few liberties with updating the weapons to fit with those of the time. I am sure that the hammer arm was based off of the one that the Pit Slaves in  Necromunda could have. I think the crackling electricity still holds up well so I like this one more than it's companion.

And the bolter was straight off of the plastic Space Marine one from the time as well. I get a kick out of the exhaust pipe coming out of his back. The idea that this robot is burning some kind of fuel was interesting to me at the time. Imagine if it ran out of fuel mid game. Or imagine if it's fuel could explode! 

It would take another 20 years for the robots to return with the launch of the Adeptus Mechanicus range, and I think the newer models are amazing. But the old clunky ones will always have a nostalgic charm to me. 

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