Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Thunder Struck! (Part 2)

 It was a bit of a grind, but I finally got to a point where I can declare that these guys are DONE. 

I neglected to take stage-by-stage/ work-in-progress shots as I went along mainly because ai dabbled on these guys here and there since the previous post.  This dabbling took place randomly between work on some of the other miniatures that I completed during that time. 

Which leaves me with these snazzy glamor shots instead. I hope no one minds. If you want to know more about this scheme check out the Dwarf Warriors posts and the post that details the single test model I did also. 

The leadership. 

Oh, and check out those leaves! I ordered some leaves for scale modeling from Amazon. These are great for adding a touch of realism to models such as these. 

And I suppose that's all I can say about them at this time. I think they turned out well considering their original state that they were in when I got them. 

Another unit painted, more to go! 

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