To match that fiery temper! |
Continuing on from
last time, what follows is the progression that I have so far made on this model.
Nuln oil over Khorne Red. |
Last time I left the Cape with a Nuln Oil wash. This was layered with Khorne Red, first with a thinned coat then a solid layer to create a better blending transition.
Then, Fiery Orange was applied to the beard. It was so interesting that I, for a fleeting moment, almost left it like this.
Fiery Orange beards for the win! |
But I toned it done using Agrax Earthshade. This was lightly dry brushed over using Fiery Orange again.
Tempered by Agrax Earthshade. |
The cape was layered up with Khorne Red over the dried Nuln Oil, then Mephiston Red was strategically applied on the highest contours.
Mephiston Red on the cape. |
Go Fasta Red was the final highlight for the Cape. The fur was done very differently than how I typically like to paint wolf pelts as I wanted to add some diversity to my Space Wolves color palette.I basecoated the fur using Rakarth Flesh (...does anyone know what a Rakarth is?) then a wash of Reikland Flesgwash before dry brushing it with Averland Sunset. I think it came out fine.
Go Fasta Red on the Cape and the fur is done. |
I did all the skulls and bones and the gold hights at this step also. But the most important element was to add a touch a gray to the beard. After all, he is "the older" right?
A touch of gray. |
OK, that's it for this time, obviously he is almost done, just need to do the axe blades and few minor details. But the Great Company emblem on his left pauldron will likely be the biggest challenge in this next phase...
Rakarth was a Dark Eldar Humonculous, I think.
Nice puppy, btw. Firey Orange indeed.
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