Well I missed the deadline last week, but no worries, I am back and I have a bit of progress to show for it...
...more bits than progress actually. |
Brother Nihilus has a head from the Death Watch Upgrade sprue. I decided to use a method for painting heads that I used in the past which is to mount the head onto a pin-vice. This gives me better control for painting it. It also keeps me from taking foolish risks with the pin-vice like trying to drill the gun barrels on the storm bolter or attempting to drill out all 33 holes on the exhaust ports...
WIP on the head. |
The engine exausts were indeed a target for my pin-vice but the epiphany dawned on me that it would probably take me all week just to do that, and It wouldn't change the model in such a way to justify the work. Not when simple black paint will achieve the same desired result. I wanted the metal on the exhausts to appear weathered and old, like a used piece of machinery, but not decayed and rusty. I achieved this look by washing Agrax Earthshade and/or Nuln oil over the Leadbelcher. I do see a difference and I think it works.
The rear exhausts. |
I was able to get the head done fairly quick. Gluing it into position was a bit tricky. I had to cut down the antenna on the helmet in order to get the sarcophagus cover to fit right.
The finished head. |
I was edge highlighting the model as I was assembling it, and this tactic seems to be working well for me thus far.
The main hull assembled. |
The trim areas that will be gold was base coated using FolkArt Metallic Antique Copper. I love this color, it's like painting with a liquefied penny. I also added the halo above Nihilus' head.
And this is where I at with it now, hopefully I will be able to get it done next week. Also, the base is a matter I will need to address next week also. It will be more involved than my typical base. There are less than eleven days left for me to get my Dreadtober project done...
1 comment:
Looking great!
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