Sheba was our wonderful, characterful dog. She was a very good dog, not the kind that would just take off on you or grossly misbehave. She loved her cat buddies and could follow commands well. She was less of a pet and more like a companion. She was family. Sadly she ended up having a cancer that ended her life and she held on for as long as possible.
During her final days I wanted to honor her somehow so I found a miniature of a wolf from the Reaper miniatures line that sort of resembed her. Mrs. Neverness has always felt that her totem spirit was a wolf and we have Native American wolf imagery throughout the house, so it seemed fitting to overlay Sheba's color pattern over a wolf template like this. But Sheba passed away before I could get past the priming stage. And for years this model has sat in the background queue with only it's base painted.
Well, Mrs Neverness reminded me that I should finish painting this miniature, so one afternoon I made a go of it and this was the result.
I felt the need to highlight the Black parts of her coat even though this is not consistent with reality it does give depth to the miniature. Also you might be able to tell but I gave the miniature different colored eyes. Sheba had heterochromia, which is the condition where one eye is a different color from the other. Some folks found this unsettling, but we just thought this was part of what made her such a cool dog.
All these years later and we miss her still, and I am pleased to finally complete this tribute to Sheba.
Sheba and I. |
This is a beautiful and touching homage to your four legged pal. I do love this
Well done, mate. Dogs always end up giving us more than they take. This is a lovely tribute to a dear companion.
Sheba is in doggo heaven playing ball and chasing squirrels! Good Doggo, great mini homage
Thank you all for the kind words. This was a tough post to write and even more of a challenge to paint that model. She passed away in 2019 and we still miss her a lot.
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