Hmm... well I definitely painted and built some Space Wolves and we'll look at some of those in minute. Despite my strong desire and serious intention of doing stuff with my Chaos Daemons, I just didn't get any of them completed this past year. Other things seemed to take priority. So let's look at those other things and see what I did get accomplished:
I decided, almost on a whim, that I really needed to contribute to the local gaming store's scenery. So I painted one of the donated models that was there for use with the snowy board that we sometimes use. I think it turned out quite well. The Snowy Ruins is now located at the Hobbytown USA store in Johnson City TN for you to game on if ever you are in town and needed to get a game in.

Next up saw the completion of the Space Wolves Iron Priest that I had started a long time ago as part of a painting competition at a local store. This was a very hard and challenging model to paint and build, but ultimately I am pleased with the outcome. I look forward to getting him into battle at some point.
Beyond the Gates of Antares. Very fun game to play and I enjoy the setting quite a bit. It's a refreshing contrast from 40K and has a good vibe to it. Inspired by a game I played at the time I was able to complete these five c3 Strike Troopers. I have every intention of doing more soon. I have photos saved from my stage by stage paint and build of the Concord drones, but they were lost in November when my phone bricked itself. And no, I 'm not over it and I will continue to lament on this tragedy...

There is a whole squad of nearly completed Space Wolf Scouts, however I only managed to complete one guy in 2018, and he was started over a decade ago. The rest of the Space Wolf Scouts are almost done, just need to get my focus back on them.
March was Mime TIme, these were the two models that I made specifically for Shadow War: Armageddon (remember that?) that I guess are just going to be basic Troupers now.
This was a big multi-part project for me, and I am very pleased with how it turned out. It is a fully magnetic Land Speeder Tornado, with all the weapon options available for change out. It's a lot of fun to play with, even though I only got to use it in one Kill Team game prior to the new edition of Kill Team coming out. I am determined to get this into battle again at some point...

I had a nostalgic flight of fancy to try to paint one of the old 2nd edition era plastic Goff Boyz like John Blanche painted them on the cover of the Warhammer 2nd Edition box. I got the Goff Boy finished, but haven't managed to complete the other six miniatures yet.

The Dark Eldar of the Obsidian Rose continue to entice me to paint them. I really enjoy these guys and I love that paint scheme. This Archon painted up surprisingly fast and I love how it turned out. This is the first, and so far only, fully Finecast model that I have ever painted, and it was alright.
Probably my favorite Dark Eldar model so far (as far as my painting and modeling has resulted anyway), the Venom was a very satisfying model to complete. I hope to do more next year, although I only have one so far...
Here is another classic, the Rogue Trader era Uramarines Captain. This one is from around 1990, that I finally got around to finishing it. This miniature was my brother's, which he gave to me along with his whole Ultramarines army. It is the only Ultramarines model that I painted this year.
As part of my annual series of Assassin posts called The Deadly Assassins, I finished off painting this Culexus Assassin. He was over 75% painted as far back as 2004-ish, and it was quite satisfying getting him completed.
Another model started about a decade ago and finished this year. I had a bit of a Fantasy bug back in the summer and this Grey Wizard got to benefit from it.
These two Reavers of the Obsidian Rose were the only ones I was able to finish before the new Codexes for the Ork and Space Wolf launched and pulled my attention away. I am very pleased with these and I look forward to doing more of them in the New Year!


When I decided I needed a leader for my Bad Moon faction of Orks, I totally fell in love with the idea of using this classic mid-'90s era Warphead. I mounted him on a hero base, which just adds to the epic power that this guy thinks he has. I am quite pleased with it!

The meandering stroll down the road to Gorkamorka continued with the completion of this Goff Runtherd. I am undecided on whether he needs to have his base extended or not...

My Blood Axe Dreadnought was my entry for 2018's Dreadtober challenge. This kicks off what I hope will be my Blood Axe ork faction. I am very happy with how it turned out and the relative ease in which this scheme was to paint. Hopefully you'll see more Blood Axes on this blog in the New Year as well.
This was another long ago negglected model that I recently decided to give attention too. The 2nd of a set of three Land Speeder Typhoons, it was nice to get something finished from my longest running series of projects.
A model from the Space Marine Heroes set, this Celestial Lion Sgt was done pretty much on a whim and for the simple thrill of doing another Celestial Lion model. Will he be the harbinger of more Celestial Lions to come? Only time will tell...
On Christmas eve I managed to finish this unit, including the flocking on the Nob formally known as Nazdreg and the original one that I painted back in the '90s.
Again these are only what I managed to finish in 2018. I notice a theme to these completed models, and it seems to be that I was deteremined to finish a lot of neglected or abandoned projects that were started ages ago. I don't think this was a conscious effort on my part, at least not always, it's just the way things turned out. I am pleased with the overall output of finished models. But you'll notice that my output in recent months has slowed down a lot. This is due to a career change that has been challenging and challenging to my free time as well. Hopefully I'll find my groove with it soon and get back to a manageable schedule again 2019.
Oh, and before I forget, here is the progression on the guy we ended last year's review with by saying "coming soon". (Or was that the year before? I just can't recall!)
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Krom the Older. |